• git clone https://github.com/abdullahkhan-z/test-s
  • cd test-s
  • For local install npm install
  • Duplicate .env.local and rename it to .env. Only Prisma depends on it
  • In case one intends to use his/her database credentials then following steps are necessary.
  • If prisma cli is not already installed then install that globally, run prisma db push. This will push local schema to remote database.
  • Use GraphQL to add a dummy User with username abc and password abc as integration tests assume the use is already registered
  • To do that. Follow the following steps
  • Run in dev mode npm run start:dev
  • Open GraphQL playground at localhost:3000
  • Run signup mutation mutation{ signUp(username:"abc", password:"abc"){ response } }
  • Run tests npm run test
  • Build for docker sudo docker compose build
  • sudo docker compose up Note: By, default, this runs in production mode with redis enabled, configurations can be changed from environment variables in docker-compose.yaml file. Development mode does not have redis enabled.
  • Run tests sudo docker compose run api npm run test.
  • Implementation through graphql, all mutations are protected apart from signup.
  • One may find details in about api in src/graphql/
  • Prisma is being used as ORM, along with apollo server and nexus
  • jest is used for testing. Integration tests are found in test/integration-tests.

Kubernetes Deployment Rountine

  • push built docker image to public repo
  • in kubernetes.yaml change source image of main-app-deployment deployment scheme
  • Configuration was tested on minikube