Text Summarization Web Application

This Python script creates a web-based text summarization application using Streamlit and the Hugging Face Transformers library. The application allows users to summarize long text documents by breaking them into smaller chunks and generating concise summaries.


  • Summarize long text documents into shorter, more digestible content.
  • Customize the summary length using sliders for maximum and minimum lengths.
  • Option to enable or disable text sampling for different summaries.
  • A simple and user-friendly web interface.


  1. Run the script: Execute the script to launch the summarization web application.

  2. Paste your article: In the text area provided, paste or type the text you want to summarize. This can be a long article or document.

  3. Configure summary settings (Optional):

    • Use the sidebar sliders to set the maximum and minimum length of the summary.
    • Check the "Do sample" checkbox to enable text sampling for different summaries.
  4. Generate the summary: Click the "Summarize" button to initiate the summarization process.

  5. View the summary: The generated summary will be displayed below the text area.