
Primary LanguageTypeScript


the link to my app



Infrastructure description

  • Angular - Single Page Application Framework
  • Node - Javascript Runtime
  • Express - Javascript API Framework

App Dependencies

- Node v14.15.1 (LTS) or more recent. While older versions can work it is advisable to keep node to latest LTS version

- npm 6.14.8 (LTS) or more recent, Yarn can work but was not tested for this project

- AWS CLI v2, v1 can work but was not tested for this project

- A RDS database running Postgres.

- A S3 bucket for hosting uploaded pictures.

Pipeline process

  • Front-End Install by running npm run frontend:install
  • Back-End Install by running npm run backend:install
  • Front-End Build by running npm run frontend:build
  • name: Back-End Build by running npm run backend:build
  • name: Deploy App by running npm run frontend:deploy


Provision the necessary AWS services needed for running the application:

  1. In AWS, provision a publicly available RDS database running Postgres in .eny file
  2. In AWS, provision a s3 bucket for hosting the uploaded files in .eny file
  3. Export the ENV variables needed or use a package like dotnev/.
  4. From the root of the repo, navigate udagram-api folder cd starter/udagram-api to install the node_modules npm install. After installation is done start the api in dev mode with npm run dev.
  5. Without closing the terminal in step 1, navigate to the udagram-frontend cd starter/udagram-frontend to intall the node_modules npm install. After installation is done start the api in dev mode with npm run start.