Chatfuel JSON API examples



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Business hours

Bot admin enters their business hours; an attribute is set for 'open' or 'closed' based on the current time

Your JSON API is POST https://{your-netlify-app-name}


  • tz - time zone, either number in hours or name see
  • Monday..Sunday - day working hour in format h:mmAM-h:mmPM


This JSON API setups those attributes to bot user:

  • business - open if current time inside working hours, closed otherwise

Shopify check customer

Look up an email address in the Shopify store to check if that user has placed an order before or not

Your JSON API is POST https://{your-netlify-app-name}


  • email - user email
  • store_url - Shopify store url
  • password - Shopify store password


This JSON API setups those attributes to bot user:

  • customer - existing if email found in shop orders, new otherwise

Shopify create discount

Create a unique discount code in Shopify using different parameters like % off or % off, days until expiration, one-time use or not, etc.

Your JSON API is POST https://{your-netlify-app-name}


  • store_url - Shopify store url
  • password - Shopify store password
  • timezone - user timezone
  • expiration - days until expiration
  • discount_value - amount of discount
  • discount_type - percentage or amount
  • one_use_per_customer - if true then only one customer can use it
  • times_code_can_be_used - number of times discount can be used


This JSON API setups those attributes to bot user:

  • discount_code - allocated code,
  • expiration_date - discount code expiration date

Verify email

Check if the input a user has entered is an email or not (checks to see if domain exists, not just that it uses an '@' symbol and '.') - also fixes validation loop with built-in email validation

Your JSON API is GET https://{your-netlify-app-name}


  • email - email


This JSON API setups those attributes to bot user:

  • emailValid - true if email is valid, false otherwise

Verify phone

Check if the input a user has entered is a phone number or not (checks to see if phone number is registered, not just that it contains a certain amount of digits) - also fixes validation loop with built-in email validation + removes any text and special characters in message

Your JSON API is POST https://{your-netlify-app-name}


  • phone - phone


This JSON API setups those attributes to bot user:

  • phoneValid - true if email is valid, false otherwise