
Course Project - Mobile Application Development (Flutter) 2024

Primary LanguageDart

Mobile Application Development: Group Project

Taatee Mobile App

Taatee is an event booking app for AAiT Tech Club - a club under formation. Students will use Taatee to register for the monthly tech talks and other networking events that is planned to be organized by the club.



Users are authenticated through their email and password.


Authorization occurs on two levels based on roles. Normal users can register/de-register for events. Authorized Users (Such as admins, moderators) can create / delete events.

User Registration

User Registration occurs through their email. They will be asked to provide required datas as based on the club's policy for registering for events.

Role Assignment

We have three roles. Admin, Moderator and User. Admins have the power of role assignment. They can promote/demote users to/from moderator role.

Feature 1

Event Exploration - Registering - De-registering (For Normal Users)

Feature 2

Event Creation and Modification (For Authorized Users) User Management (For Authorized Users)

Group Memebers

Name ID
Salman Ali UGR/7808/14
Meti Lamessa UGR/5877/14
Abdulmunim Jundurahman UGR/8625/14
Sifan Fita UGR/8856/14