Swipeable Card Views showing data from server
After taking a pull or downloading the zip, open it in xcode. Check the pod and you will find two pod there
pod 'CardSlider'
pod 'iCarousel'
Setting up pod open the terminal at folder
pod init
pod install
you're good to go now install and run the build.
Select your preferrable device then Buiild and run the current scheme.
After successfully launching you'll see an initial screen with button - Demo One and Demo Two. Press any one of it. Press any one of it.
CardSlider for sliding effect and scrolling through to different cards and modify some files to our need. iCarousel for second Demo carsousel effect. I didn't used any network library for fetching network request just the Apple native URLSession Class from Foundation framework but I would prefer Alamofire over it.
- Change the card slider to better one.
- Need to improve UI of Detail view.
- Refresh back to index.