Utalizing the peripherals of ARM Cortex v4 Architechture and tm4c123 (Tiva C) Microcontroller to build a Runtime Configurable Blinking LEDs Mcal/HAL and App layers
Disclaimer : This project is part of "Advanced Embedded Systems" Nanodegree attended at Udacity and FWD program.
◇ Implementing "Mcu_HW.h" file used for microcontroller hardware abstraction, includes Macros for Registers in the MCU peripheral
◇ Implementing the GPIO driver, the driver provides APIs for
to work with some functionality using either AHB/APB, Read/Write/Toggle_DIO Pins
, implementing the driver API , Driver_DataTypes and user configuration .c/.h files◇ Implementing SysTic_Timer Driver, the driver provides APIs for
with the required functionalities including Configure_Tick_Period
- Enable/Disable_Systic_Interrupt
- Start/Stop_Timer
, implementing the driver API , Driver_DataTypes and user configuration .c/.h files◇ Implementing Interrupt NVIC Driver, the driver provides APIs for
at Core-Level NVIC-Level Peripheral-Level and the required Group/Subgroup Priority, implementing the driver API , Driver_DataTypes and user configuration .c/.h files ◇ Implementing ISRs
◇ Callback Function
◇ main.c includes Drivers Initialization
◇ User_Configs.h file for user configurations
Testing the project operation using Keil Debugging Session and ensure ensure sucessful configurations for the Registers and variables
⇒ Main Operation
> SysTic Timer intialized to generate periodic interrupt every 1sec
> User specify the ON/OFF Time as function of SysTic Timer Tics (example 3secs is 3 SysTics)
> Toggle Algorithms runs every Tic to take the decision of toggle or not
⇒ Toggle Algorithm :
> Algorithm counts the Tics and compare the current tick with the pre-specified On/OFF Time to toggle at the end of each and reset the counter, algorithm runs at the callback function get called at SysTic Interrupt
⇒ Configuring ON/OFF Time During Runtime
> On/OFF time is set using static variables
> 3 GPIO Pins are configuredto generate interrupts
→ Interrupt1 used to increment Time
→ Interrupt2 used to decrement Time
→ Interrupt3 used to specify Increment/Decrement Operation is for ON or OFF Time according to the interrupting edge (Raising edge for ON / faling edge for decrement)