
Laravel package for Termii SMS.

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Termii Laravel Package

A package for integrating termii services with your laravel application.

Uses Termii Client.



Via Composer.

To get the latest version of Laravel Termii, simply run at the root of your laravel project.

composer require mane-olawale/laravel-termii

After Composer has installed the Laravel termii package, you may run the termii:install Artisan command. This command publishes the configuration file of the package named termii.php:

php artisan termii:install


Open your .env file and add your api key, sender id, channel and so on:


# Pin Configurations

# Extra

Basic usage

Send sms using the termii facade class


use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

Termii::send('2347041945964', 'Hello World!');

# With sender id and channel

Termii::send('2347041945964', 'Hello World!', 'Olawale', 'generic');


You can access the client services directly by calling them as function on the facade class


use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

// @return \ManeOlawale\Termii\Api\Sender
// @return \ManeOlawale\Termii\Api\Sms
// @return \ManeOlawale\Termii\Api\Token
// @return \ManeOlawale\Termii\Api\Insights

// On the client
$client->sender->request('Olawale', 'Friendship based notification', 'Olawale INC');

// On the facade class
Termii::sender()->request('Olawale', 'Friendship based notification', 'Olawale INC');

Notification channel

This package provides you with a notification channel that enables you to send sms through the notification feature of laravel like so:

Create a notification class

php artisan make:notification WelcomeText

Add termii channel to the notification

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Messages\Message as TermiiMessage;

class WelcomeText extends Notification
    use Queueable;

     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function via($notifiable)
        return ['termii'];

     * Get the termii sms representation of the notification.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return \ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Messages\Message
    public function toTermii($notifiable)
        return (new TermiiMessage)
                    ->line('The introduction to the notification.')
                    ->line('Thank you for using our application!');

Add route to user So the notification channel can get the user`s phone number.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;

class User extends Authenticatable //implements MustVerifyEmail
    use HasFactory, Notifiable;

    public function routeNotificationForTermii()
        return $this->phone;

More on TermiiMessage

Working with the message content:

# Using constructor
$message = new TermiiMessage('Olawale wants to connect with you.');

# Using the line method
$message = (new TermiiMessage)
    ->line('Debit Alert!')
    ->line('Acct: *******324')
    ->line('Amt: 21,500.00')
    ->line('DESC: squander am!')
    ->line('Trx: 37373-3843-4')
    ->line('Time: 22/02/2022|4:32 PM')
    ->line('Avail Bal: 3,642,873.00')
    ->line('Total Bal: 3,742,873.00');

# Overwriting the content
$message->content('Olawale is your first contributor.');

# Getting the content

You can configure the sms sent through the notification channel by chaining methods to the TermiiMessage object like so:

     * Get the termii sms representation of the notification.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return \ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Messages\Message
    public function toTermii($notifiable)
        return (new TermiiMessage('Someone wants to connect with you.'))
            ->line('Thank you for using our application!');


  • The default message type is unicode as at the time of writing, but you can use the TermiiMessage::type() method to set any type that may later be introduced.

  • If these configurations are not done the default configuration will be used.

Working with OTP

This package provides you with the appropriate tool to send and verify OTP in stateless or stateful request.

Stateful OTP

This package can send OTP within stateful requests, it relies on session to store the pin_id and other data by representing the it with a tag like so:

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account');

# Set Number

# Set text
$otp->text('{pin} is your account activation code');

# Send the OTP


  • You can chain these methods together.
  • The Token::start() method will send the OTP and return self.

Stateless OTP

This package can send OTP within stateless requests, it relies on JWT to securely hold that data in an encrypted string:

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account');

# Set Number

# Set text
$otp->text('{pin} is your account activation code');

# Send the OTP

$encrypted = $otp->signature(); // eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQi...

Verifying OTP

Stateful OTP

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account');

if ($otp->verify('1234')) {
    return redirect()->back()->with([
        'success' => 'Account verified'
} else {
    return redirect()->back()->with([
        'error' => 'Invalid OTP'

Stateless OTP

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account', 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQi.........');

if ($otp->verify('1234')) {
    return response()->json([
        'success' => 'Account verified'
    ], 200);
} else {
    return response()->json([
        'error' => 'Invalid OTP'
    ], 422);

In App OTP

You can create in app token by chaining the Token::inApp() method to your token like so:

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account');

# Set Number

# Set text
$otp->text('{pin} is your account activation code');

# Set text

# Send the OTP

More on OTP

You can retrieve some token properties after calling the Token::start() method:

# Send the OTP

# Get the pin id

# Get the tag

# Check if the OTP has expired

# Get the pin only for in app tokens

Chaining methods

use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;

// Regular
$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account')->to('2347041945964')
    ->text('{pin} is your account activation code')->start();

// In App
$otp = Termii::OTP('login_account')->to('2347041945964')
    ->text('{pin} is your account activation code')->inApp()->start();


This package support TDD in so you can build fast with confidence.

Endpoint aliases

Endpoints are represented with aliases for easy mocking and asserting. these are the available aliases:

Alias Endpoint
sender api/sender-id
request api/sender-id/request
send api/sms/send
number api/sms/number/send
template api/send/template
otp api/sms/otp/send
verify api/sms/otp/verify
inapp api/sms/otp/generate
balance api/get-balance
search api/insight/number/query
inbox api/sms/inbox

Mocking and Sequence

Sequence Sequence lets you create a collection of responses that will start from the first element when the list is excusted.

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;

    $sequence = Sequence::create(
        new Response(200),
        new Response(300),
        new Response(400)

    $sequence->next(); // new Response(200);
    $sequence->next(); // new Response(300);
    $sequence->next(); // new Response(400);
    $sequence->next(); // new Response(200);

    $sequence->count(); // int: 3

    # This is the number of times the sequence start all over.
    $sequence->rotation(); // int: 1

Mocking with sequence

The example below will mock the send endpoint with a response.

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;


Termii::mock('send', Sequence::create(new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
    json_encode($data = [
        'message_id' => '9122821270554876574',
        'message' => 'Successfully Sent',
        'balance' => 9,
        'user' => 'Peter Mcleish'

$this->get('/send_text'); // Let us assume message was sent twice


# Assert the message was sent twice
Termii::assertSentTimes('send', 2);

Note: mocking works for all aliases and not only for send


Assert no sent

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;


$this->get('/send_text'); // Let us assume no message was sent


# Assert the message was sent twice
Termii::assertSentTimes('send', 0);

Note: This works for all aliases and not only for send

Assert successful and Failed requests

In this example we will assert the endpoint responded with response code within the range of 100 - 299 or Not.

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;


Termii::mock('send', Sequence::create(new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{}'
), new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{}'
), new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{}'

 * Let us assume message was sent three times.
 * This means one wont be successful

# For successful requests
# Assert the message was sent successfully twice
Termii::assertSentSuccessfulTimes('send', 2);

# For failed requests
# Assert the message failed once
Termii::assertSentFailedTimes('send', 1);

Note: This works for all aliases and not only for send

Deep Assertion

You can assert the request and response object deeper using the Termii::assert() method.

With Closure

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;


Termii::mock('send', Sequence::create(new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
        'message_id' => '9122821270554876574',
        'message' => 'Successfully Sent',
        'balance' => 9,
        'user' => 'Peter Mcleish'

$this->get('/send_text'); // Let us assume message was sent once

Termii::assert('send', function ($pair) {
    //Correct alias
    $this->assertSame('send', $pair['alias']);

    //Check if what happened between the request and response was successful


  • This works for all aliases and not only for send
  • This only assert the first pair of request and response so if you want more assertion use Sequence below.

With Sequence

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Testing\Sequence;


Termii::mock('send', Sequence::create(new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{}'
), new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{}'

$this->get('/send_text'); // Let us assume message was sent twice

Termii::assert('send', Sequence::create(
    function ($pair) {
        //Correct alias
        $this->assertSame('send', $pair['alias']);

        //Check if what happened between the request and response was successful
    function ($pair) {
        //Correct alias
        $this->assertSame('send', $pair['alias']);

        //Check if what happened between the request and response was not successful

Fallback response

If you do not mork the endpoint that will be invoked in your application, the default fallback response will be an empty successful json response. but you can change it using the Termii::fallbackResponse()

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use ManeOlawale\Laravel\Termii\Facades\Termii;


Termii::fallbackResponse(new Response(
    ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
        'message' => 'Error'

$this->get('/send_text'); // Let us assume message was sent once

# Assert the failed request
# Assert the message failed once
Termii::assertSentFailedTimes('send', 1);

Note Testing is important in your application. Every part of your application should be tested, most especially the part integrating with other systems that you do not maintain. This is why i take the pain of providing this package with TDD support so you can create and assert the behaviour of your laravel application just to make sure everything is working as it should. **~ Olawale**