
Twilio Intelligent Doctor an AI symptoms analyzer and emergency reporter to improve healthcare system

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Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:

Code Exchange App Submissions

Code Exchange is a repository that contains pre-built code samples, which expedite development with Twilio. This form allows you to submit a request to have your application added to the repo and shared publicly at twilio.com/code-exchange. We will treat your data in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

About Your App

App Title Twilio Intelligent Doctor

App Description Please explain what use case this app is solving. If this is another programming language implementation for an existing use case, please copy the link here.


Twilio Intelligent Doctor an AI symptoms analyzer and emergency reporter to improve healthcare system.

Use case


Some healthcare center struggles with limited medical staff and resources. Patients often face delays in receiving proper medical advice when they notice some symptoms and emergency assistance.

Solution for symptoms analysis:

Twilio Intelligent Doctor integrates an AI-powered symptom analyzer with reporting capabilities. It allows patients to input their symptoms via a web or mobile app, which then uses AI to provide a preliminary diagnosis and recommend next steps. it immediately notifies the nearest available medical officer or emergency agencies via Twilio's communication platform.

Solution for emergency reporting:

Twilio Intelligent Doctor integrates an AI-powered emergency reporting capabilities. It allows patients to input emergency description and address via a web or mobile app, which then uses AI to provide recommendation on the type of agency to send the emergency situations. it immediately notifies the nearest available emergency agencies or services via Twilio's communication platform.

It is build using Laravel framework which is build based on my ideas on how to improve healthcare and emergency system using AI.

App Structure

A brief description of your app's architecture.

Key Components: Controllers: Handle HTTP requests and business logic. Located in app/Http/Controllers. Models: Represent data structures and interact with the database. Found in app/Models. Routes: Define URL endpoints and map them to controllers. Defined in routes/web.php and routes/api.php. Middleware: Filters HTTP requests entering the application. Configured in app/Http/Middleware. Views: Manage HTML content. Stored in resources/views. Migrations: Handle database schema changes. Located in database/migrations. Features: Authentication: User registration and login functionalities. Twilio Integration: Utilizes Twilio for communication-related functionalities. API Endpoints: Expose functionalities to be consumed by frontend or other services. AI Model integration: Utilizes AI for more robust report and suggestions. Repository

The GitHub repo where your code is hosted.

https://github.com/abdulsalamamtech/twilio-intelligent-doctor App Dependencies

Please list any external dependencies for services, tools or similar this project has.

PHP, Laravel, TailwindCSS, Vite, Postgres (or MySQL, SQLite) Twilio Api and Open AI Api. QuickDeploy / Twilio Functions?

Check box if the app contains a Twilio Function template.

Programming Languages

  • What programming language is primarily used for this app? If there's a front-end and back-end component, please list the back-end language. If the repo contains several versions of the same example in different languages, select all languages that apply.

PHP JavaScript

About You

First Name


Last Name Abdulsalam

GitHub Username

  • The GitHub username you used to author this code. abdulsalamamtech

Email abdulsalamamtech@gmail.com


If this app is being submitted on behalf of a company, please provide the company name.

App Checklist Please check all that apply.

My sample application is open source and has a permissive license such as MIT or Apache-2

There are no known security vulnerabilities and I'm following security best practices

I've read Twilio's best practices coding guidelines for my project

See guidelines at https://github.com/twilio-labs/code-exchange/tree/master/guidelines

I agree and adhere to the Code of Conduct

See Code of Conduct at https://github.com/twilio-labs/.github/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

I accept the Twilio CodeExchange Community Program Agreement

See Twilio CodeExchange Community Program Agreement

The template has been authored by me / or my organization and will be kept up-to-date. If the template will not longer be maintained, I'll notify this project.

If you were unable to check any of the above, please provide an explanation here.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this Laravel App, please send an e-mail to Abdulsalam Abdulrahman via abdulsalamamtech@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.