
Primary LanguageSolidity

🏆 Ethernaut CTF Solutions

These are my solutions to ethernaut ctf. The ctf requires you to play in a browser. But I have taken a slightly different approach to solving them.

📝 Pre-requisite

This repository uses Foundry to run the contracts.

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/abdulsamijay/ethernaut.git
  1. Build the repository & install.
forge install && forge build
  1. Run all challenges
forge test -vv
  1. Run a specific challenge i.e ( run challenge #10 )
forge test -vv -m 10

🎉 Solution to challenges

The details for each challenge are in their respective folders. Click one of the links to quickly jump over!

  1. Challenge0
  2. Fallback
  3. Fallout
  4. CoinFlip
  5. Telephone
  6. Token
  7. Delegation
  8. Force
  9. Vault
  10. King
  11. Reentrance
  12. Elevator
  13. Privacy
  14. GatekeeperOne
  15. GatekeeperTwo
  16. Naught
  17. Preservation
  18. Recovery
  19. MagicNumber
  20. AlienCodex
  21. Denial
  22. Shop
  23. Dex
  24. DexTwo

🤝 Acknowledgements

I would also like to give shoutout to people helping other peeps catchup by sharing content!

  • @cmichelio for his vast writeups.
  • @0xSage for his in-depth ethernaut challenge writeups + awesome tricks along the way.