
Config files for my GitHub profile.

💫 About Me:

👋 Hi, I’m Abdul Sultan
👀 I’m into software Development & Engineering
🌱 I have acquireed knowledge in the following: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Node JS, Express JS & ReactJS
🚧 Now studying Fullstack Software Engineering at ALX SE
💞️ I’m looking forward to collaborating on any project related to what I am learning
📫 You can always reach me at @abdulsultans on Twitter.

🌐 Socials:

Facebook Instagram LinkedIn TikTok Twitter

💻 Tech Stack:

C CSS3 Python Shell Script JavaScript HTML5 Cloudflare Netlify Vercel Heroku React Apache MySQL MongoDB Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop LINUX Vagrant Postman Docker

📊 GitHub Stats:

🏆 GitHub Trophies

💰 You can help me by Donating
