Xilinx FPGA global PL reset

In this article we'll discuss about the Processing System Reset Vivado IP. It handles the all programmable logic reset system. Upon POR a reset is hit on the ext_reset_in input through the last EMIO. If input reset remains active for atleast 5 clock cycles then all resets become active on the same positive edge of clock. Here below is a sequence when releasing a input reset signal.

1- The first reset signals to go inactive are the bus_struct_reset and interconnect_aresetn.

2- 16 clocks later peripheral_reset and peripheral_aresetn go inactive.

3- 16 clocks later mb_reset goes inactive. Now all the resets are inactive and processing can begin

Important: Once trigger the input ext_reset_in for 5-10 clock cycles then it must be brought back to normal state so all output resets can complete their reset sequence within 32 clock cycle.

Reset timing sequecne:


