This is the Express (Node.js) backend of the It's a rebuild and lots of new features added on top of the old app -
Golpo is a link sharing platform without ads.
But we would like to have people's opinion on what Golpo can have in future. Please share your thoughts and feature request here.
This Hacktoberfest Golpo got a bump from the awesome contributors. Shoutout to top 5 (except me 😜) -
alammoiz, ayeolakenny, deepanshu2506, sagarchoudhary96, Blastoise 🙌 🚀
- Do not allow to share the same link in 24 hours.
- Follow notification.
- Chat notification.
- Plan to move to serverless (vercel).
Run docker for mongodb -
docker-compose up -d
Set env variables -
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport;
(see config.js for all env variables)
Run the server -
npm install
npm start
To get some demo data run this -
npm run bootstrap
Here is the Postman collection - Golpo Postman
Here are the tasks - Hacktoberfest
(Tasks are being added daily)
Feel free to enhance code and make express better! 😃
Please test before creating PR 🙏
Visit the Svelte repo -