
A project that uses Angular8 for frontend and .Net Core for Backend.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is a project with an Angular8 for frontend and .Net Core MVC for backend.

Project created in Visual Studio 2017 with .Net Core 2.1. To start project, open solution in Visual Studio and run project. Solution will build and open a login page. You can login with username: admin and password: 12345

You can find usage of followings in angular and .net core project:


-.Net Core APIs and Angular project in a single solution

-Authorized calls with backend and frontend via JWT tokens

-CORS implementation

-TokenOptions implementation from appsettings.json

-Dependency Injection implementation for a fake authorization repository


-Implementation of Different layouts (For login, register and For authenticated pages)

-AuthGuard implementation

-Interceptor implementations

-Apexcharts implementation

-Singelton service implementation

-Responsive pages and sidebar menu with Bootstrap implementation

For css library you can take look at:


Responsive full page and mobile mode will be as following:


Dashboard in mobile