Compass Components

The compass components package is the implementation of the compass design system meant (but not limited) to be used in the mattermost products: Messaging, Playbooks and Focalboard.

The intention behind the püackage is to create a unified look and feel across the products.

Use compass components in your project

  1. install compass components from npm

    in your project run

    npm i @mattermost/compass-components
  2. import ThemeProvider in your application root

    In order for the compass components to be syled correctly you need to wrap your applcation in a ThemeProvider.

    It also manages custom themes for your application (if you wish so).

    import ThemeProvider from '@mattermost/compass-components/utilities/theme';
  3. import the components you need into your files

    import Text from '@mattermost/compass-components/components/Text';


This is just a basic exmaple how the ThemeProvider can be used to provide a theme and toggle between two themes

import { useState } from 'react';
import ThemeProvider, {
} from '@mattermost/compass-components/utilities/theme';
import Button from '@mattermost/compass-components/components/button';

function App() {
    const [themeIndex, setThemeIndex] = useState(0);
    const themes = [lightTheme, darkTheme];

    const handleClick = () => setThemeIndex(themeIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0);

    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={themes[themeIndex]}>

export default App;

Running storybook for development

  1. Fork/Checkout this repository to a folder on your computer (we will use the user folder in this example)

    cd path/to/your/projects/folder
    git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/compass-components.git

    It should now be cloned to path/to/your/projects/folder/compass-components

  2. Install all dependencies needed for running storybook

    go to the project folder:

    cd compass-components

    and install dependencies with npm:

    npm install --legacy-peer-deps

    NOTE: adding the flag --legacy-peer-deps is curently needed when there is no valid package-lock.json in place, since peerDependencies differ fand cannot be resolved for storybook and other packages.

  3. Run storybook

    once all packages are installed you can run storybook:

    npm run storybook

    when storybook is up and running you can access it by navigating in your browser to localhost:6006.


  • node version 16.x
  • npm version 7.x

How to contriute

As we are a company committed to open-source we welcome every contribution from the wider community. This section should outline the very basic steps to contribute to the project.

Creating a new component

For ease of use we created a convenience generate component function to create a boilerplate template for new components.

Simply run

npm run gc

You will be asked which kind of component you would like to create:

  • Foundation (Atomic component) - will go into the src/foundations folder
  • Component (Molecule component) - will go into the src/components folder
  • Utility (Utility component) - will go into the src/utilities folder

The function will create a component structure like this:

├── ComponentName.constants.ts
├── ComponentName.props.ts
├── ComponentName.root.ts
├── ComponentName.stories.mdx
├── ComponentName.tsx
├── ComponentName.types.ts
└── index.ts

Naming convention

we mainly use 3 different types of namings and each one has their own use-case:

naming style used for example
PascalCase component names MenuItem
props definitions type PMenuItem = { ... }
types definitions type TMenuItemSize = { ... }
UPPER_CASE constants const MENU_ITEM_SIZES = ...
camelCase everything else const setMenuItemSize = () => { ... }

Testing the package in your local project

for an easier way to test this package in your locally running project we added a script to build, pack and save it.

Simply run the following command in the compass-component package root and it will perform all the actions, except for installing it in your project (but it will give you a command to do so :D)

npm run pack

after the scrpt finishes it gives you a command to run in your project root, that should look simething like this:



the script will export a variable COMPASS_COMPONENTS_PACKAGE_PATH to your shell. This is not ultimately needed and is being set only for convenience. You can still install the package directly using a path (absolute or relative to your projects folder).

the installable tarball is saved to the compass-component root folder (<PATH_TO_COMPASS_COMPONENTS>/packed.tgz)