- Having tab navigation
- Fetching list of places from internet
- Fetching list of places from internet based on device location
- First tab
- Should include list of places
- Each of items have 2 buttons, view detail and view on map
- View detail button will open detail page
- View on map button will open map page (tab) - center the selected location
- Second tab
- Should show the list of places in map view (markers)
- Navigate to detail page whenever marker/pin pressed
- Favorite location
- Clone the repo.
- Install package
$ yarn install
- Run iOS app with
$ yarn ios
- Run Android app with
$ yarn android
- Navigation: React Navigation
- State Management: Redux, Rematch
- Network: axios
- Icons: react-native-vector-icons
- Location: react-native-geolocation-service
- Maps: react-native-maps
- Places API: Here
i use Domain Driven Design in this app espacally for project/folder structure, this can be apply for modular apps and this architecture is optimised for large scale apps.
for all common/generic things that can be used everywhere
will consist each module/feature that include on the app