
Finds and archives colors defined in a project's less/sass/stylus files

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This package is no longer maintained as it is now replaced by the [pigments package](https://atom.io/packages/pigments).
If both packages are installed this package will not activate.

project-palette-finder package

Build Status

Finds and exposes colors defined in a project's CSS, Less, Sass or Stylus files.

This package provides the following commands:

  • palette:refresh - Scans the project directory for Less, Sass (scss & sass) and Stylus files and search for variables containing colors. It do so at startup and everytime you trigger the palette:refresh command.
  • palette:view - Scans the project and display a view in the active pane that lists all the colors defined in the palette, with source and path to the definition.
    Palette View
  • palette:find-all-colors - Scans the project for all colors in CSS, Less, Sass and Stylus files.
    Palette Search

In that context the project's palette contains all the variables in the project that contains a color. And not all the color references in the project. Theses colors are then stored in a Palette object that is exposed by the package and can be used in several context (autocompletion, colors preview). After a project scan the colors can be retrieved with their name (the name of variable that hold them).

autocomplete-plus Binding

If the autocomplete-plus package is installed, this package will automatically register a provider to preview and complete colors name as you type:

Palette View


To access the package you can use the following snippets:

ProjectPaletteFinder =
require atom.packages.activePackages['project-palette-finder'].path

ProjectPaletteFinder =
require atom.packages.getLoadedPackage('project-palette-finder').path

Retrieving The Palette

To access the project palette use:

palette = ProjectPaletteFinder.palette

It references a Palette instance containing as many PaletteItem as variables holding colors found in the project files.

Retrieving Palette Items

You can retrieve items using the following methods:

palette.getItemByName('@less_variable_name') # :PaletteItem
palette.getItemsForPath('/path/to/file.sass') # :Array<PaletteItem>
palette.getItemsForPathInRange('/path/to/file.styl', [[startRow, startCol], [endRow, endCol]]) # :Array<PaletteItem>

Palette Items

A PaletteItem instance has the following properties:

  • name - The name of the variable holding the color
  • filePath - The path to the file that defines that color
  • row - The row at which the color is defined
  • lineRange - An array containing the start and end index of the color definition
  • colorString - The color string that was found during the project scan
  • color - The Color object representing this color.

And the following method:

  • getRange() - Returns an Array representing the color string range as a valid Atom range in the form [[startRow, startCol], [endRow, endCol]]


The Color class is provided by the pigments module and offers conversions from many color spaces such RGB, HSL or HSV.

The Color class registers expressions to match and parse colors in strings, allowing to create a color with any valid strings such as:

# All this colors are equal
new Color('red')
new Color('#f00')
new Color('#ff0000')
new Color('rgba(255,0,0,1)')
new Color('saturate(desaturate(rgba(255,0,0,1), 50%), 50%)')
new Color('vec4(1,0,0,1)')
new Color('0xffff0000')

By default, the class offer support for every CSS color notations, Less, Sass, and Stylus color functions, GLSL vec4 type and hexadecimal integer notation.

The project palette finder will also creates its own expression using the variables names, meaning that if a Sass file defines the following variable:

$color-red: red

Creating a color with new Color('$color-red') will produces the same color as new Color('red').

It'll also enable to parse color operations that uses a color variable. For instance, the two following colors will be equal:

new Color('darken($color-red, 20%)')
new Color('darken(red, 20%)')

Accessing The Color Class

The class can be retrieved directly from the palette using:

Color = palette.Color

Real World Example

The atom-color-highlight package will make uses of the palette colors if the package is installed, allowing to highlights all the places a variable holding a color is used in a file.