
Consuming variables from a file not in the project

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I know it kind of goes against the "project" part of the plugin name, but I have a file that lives outside of the project that defines all my color variables. We have a styleguide we try to adhere to and so each project references the same external file to have the same variables and if we change one, all projects consuming that file get changed.

Is there any way to have that external, non project, file be part of the pallette?

I'm not sure that atom.workspace.scan - provided by the core API - handles scanning files external to a project so I won't promess it can be done, but I'll take a deeper look into the API.
For the time being I'll suggest you try symlinking your external stylesheet into the project (and gitinoring the link) to see if the scan works on symlink, if it does it'll act as workaround until I find if it can be implemented easily or not.