Tracks all of Twitter's tweets and shows metrics for each candidate:
- Number of tweets
- Sentiments analysis (positive / negative)
- Popular hash tags
The primary reason for building was to learn / improve my abilities with the following technologies
- Node.js -- This is my first deployed project using node.js
- React.js -- This is my second deployed project using React.js
- Web Sockets -- This is my first deployed project using web sockets
- Jade -- Used to protoype this idea (before reactifying), my first use of Jade
- Gulp -- First use of a gulpfile
- Flexbox -- First intentional use of flexbox throughout a project
###Technologies Used:
Node.js | React.js | Web Sockets | Jade | Gulp | ChartJS | Sentiment | JSX | Flexbox
###Live on Heroku:
- This was created as a learning tool, March, 2016
- There are no immediate plans to add functionality or continue to maintain the code base
- If you are interested in contributing, please reach out