Create a text file with all the information you want included on the page
- Text file should follow the format of pages at src/pages/linkPages
- For a given file, press the "Raw" button to see the text file
- Press "upload files", then drag the file and commit changes
- Mailchimp link will stay the same, see instructions for creating Mailchimp sequence below
- Text file should follow the format of pages at src/pages/linkPages
Add the cover image
- Image path should be
- You need to add the photo to this folder: static/media
- Press "upload files", then drag the file and commit changes
- Image path should be
The site will auto-deploy in a few minutes. Check out the path you specified in the text file to ensure it worked
Set up Mailchimp to send the email for this form
- Campaigns > Create Campaign > Email > Automated > Subscriber Activity > Welcome new subscribers
- Campaign name: Name of song
- List: Cody Ray Music
- Edit Trigger so that Delay is "immediately"
- Filter by segment or tag > Choose segment or tag > Subscribers match the following conditions
- Signup Page is
) - Trailing slash is important
- Signup Page is
- Design Email > Fill out > Saved Templates > Re-use the template for sending track
- Follow these instructions to add the track link