
Jeopardy Assignment for CPSC 353 Networks

Primary LanguageJava


This repo contains programs to implement a multi-threaded TCP chat server and client which can be used as the starting point to develop an online Jeopardy game.

Make copies of the example files.

Copy: MTClient.java to JClient.java MTServer.java to JServer.java ClientHandler to JClientHandler.java ClientListener to JClientListener.java

Make all your changes to the new files. Do not edit the original files so they can serve as reference points.


Submission 1. Three clients connect to the server and are identified with names. Clients are notified which number they are when they connect.

Submission 2. Server sends an "Answer" to the three clients and recognizes which client "buzzes in" first.

Submission 3. Client sends a "Question" to the server and the server determines whether or not it is correct.

Submission 4. Server conducts a 10 question round and displays the sores of all the contestants after each round.

Submission 5. Add as much additional functionality as you can to make it a complete Jeopardy game. This can include Categories with the ability of the contestant controlling the board to choose a category, the ability of a contestant to choose the dollar amount of a questions, Daily Doubles, and a Double Jeopardy round.

The Answers and Questions should be related to things you have learned in this course.

Samples Answers and Questions:

Answer: The connection control mechanism that is negotiated between a client and server

Question: What is Flow Control?

Answer: The process of establishing a TCP connection

Question: What is the Three Way Handshake?

Answer: The protocol for communication between two email servers

Question: What is SMTP? or Queston: What is simple Mail Transfer Protocol?