Creative Agency

is a full-stack web-based agency that gives IT services to their clients.

Live Site: Creative Agency.

Live Demo:

Creative Agency

Technology and library/framework used:



  • CSS
  • React
  • React-router-dom
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Material UI
  • React-strap
  • React hook form
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Hosting


  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • Heroku


  • MongoDB

Features :

User Perspective:
  • A user can log in with his/her Gmail, Facebook, and can Create an account with an email.
  • A user can order any service he/she wants and can see all the placed services on his/her dashboard.
  • A user can route to different pages and can log out.
  • A user can also give review about the service .

Admin Perspective:

  • An admin can add a new service with an appropiate image and can give description about the service.
  • An admin can make someone else as admin.
  • An admin can see all the pending and completed orders on his/her dashboard.