A quick and simple way to execute a command on a subset or all servers within your enterprise.  The current version will only support Linux and is a WIP, the BETA version is not yet complete.

The ultimiate goal will be that you should be able to launch and get a reply to a given command such as "hostname" 
on all machines in your enterprise with sub-second response times.  Regardless of the number of servers....  
  (Dependant on the runtime of the command being executed)

Each Server in your enterprise:
 - has a small daemon running on it

 1) Client or Administrator sends a message to a predefined JMS topic containing a command to be run 
    (topics & headers will be used to restrict which servers)
 2) Remote Servers see JMS message, execute command
 3) Remote Server sends JMS reply with output of command
 4) Client saves output/rc to file/database
Design guidelines:
 Very small memory footprint:
    Perl has been chosen for this reason, my first quick test showed only 4M/Memory for the server process

 Good shell interaction and very fast startup time for the foker: 
    Perl interacts nicely with the Unix/Linux POSIX layer

 Ability to restart the "server" while subprocesses are in process (with zero impact):
    This is the main reason why I chose to recursively call teh perl routine in a separate process.

 Must work with any JMS provider:
    Plan on using Stomp