
Facilitating the redesign of the nodejs.org website


This is the organizational repository for the Node.js Website Redesign Strategic Initiative, as defined under the Community Committee. In plain speak, this initiative is tasked with organizing and facilitating the redesign of the https://nodejs.org website, and keeping track of cross-cutting concerns with other groups such as the Internationalization WG.


This initiative adopts the general Node.js Code of Conduct, as well as its own Contributing Guidelines.


Meeting notes from past meetings are maintained for later reference. Query issues for "Meeting" to find future meetings.

Summary / Current Status

Our current focus is on UI design and content creation. You can get some background information by reading these two articles: Redesigning Nodejs.org Part 1 and Redesigning Nodejs.org Part 2. And browse the current working wirefames here.



Any person who wants to contribute to the initiative is welcome! Please read Contributing Guidelines and join the effort 🙌.

Any member of the website-redesign initiative attached to the current phase of the project will be added to a future phase as the project moves forward.

Any member of the website-redesign initiative who prefers to begin contributing at a specific future phase is welcome to make a PR adding their handle to that phase.

Information Gathering

IA / UX Planning

UI Design and Content Creation <-- current phase

Site Development

User Testing




Community Committee

Code of Conduct

Contributing Guidelines

Meeting Notes

Query issues for "Meeting"