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This NetLogo model is designed to simulate the migration patterns of Muslims/Muhajirs that occurred from 1948 to 1952. How does variation in factors such as violence in India, and chances of acquiring permits affect the relocation patterns and citizenship status of Muslims of India and Pakistan?
This is part of the second assignment of the CS/SDP 361/352 Social Network Analysis Fall 2022 course that was offered at Habib University.
Course project for CS/SDP 361/352 Social Network Analysis
APIs written in Flask using a Heroku Postgres database to register a user and log into account . Deployed on Heroku
Web & Mobile Development Course Project
A Road Surface Classification system built as a FYP @ Habib University.
We are designing a game using SDL and C++. Our game is called Silent Killer. Our game will feature a welcome screen with instruction option as well as a high score tab and a play button. One you click on play game will start. Over a creepy backdrop at the bottom of the screen our player who is a zombie will be able to move left and right across the screen. The objective of the game is that the user has to move the player across the screen and dodge obstacles that will fall from the sky. Player health and score will be displayed on top right and top left of the screen. There will be 8 different obstacles that will either increase or decrease player health and the user has to dodge or absorb those obstacles respectively. The game will end if the Player runs out of all of its 10 lives or if it’s unable to doge our biggest obstacle, the silent killer, which will result in all player lives becoming zero and the game ending. Each time game ends high score will be updated.
abeerkhan99's Repositories
This is part of the second assignment of the CS/SDP 361/352 Social Network Analysis Fall 2022 course that was offered at Habib University.
Course project for CS/SDP 361/352 Social Network Analysis
This NetLogo model is designed to simulate the migration patterns of Muslims/Muhajirs that occurred from 1948 to 1952. How does variation in factors such as violence in India, and chances of acquiring permits affect the relocation patterns and citizenship status of Muslims of India and Pakistan?
APIs written in Flask using a Heroku Postgres database to register a user and log into account . Deployed on Heroku
Web & Mobile Development Course Project
A Road Surface Classification system built as a FYP @ Habib University.
We are designing a game using SDL and C++. Our game is called Silent Killer. Our game will feature a welcome screen with instruction option as well as a high score tab and a play button. One you click on play game will start. Over a creepy backdrop at the bottom of the screen our player who is a zombie will be able to move left and right across the screen. The objective of the game is that the user has to move the player across the screen and dodge obstacles that will fall from the sky. Player health and score will be displayed on top right and top left of the screen. There will be 8 different obstacles that will either increase or decrease player health and the user has to dodge or absorb those obstacles respectively. The game will end if the Player runs out of all of its 10 lives or if it’s unable to doge our biggest obstacle, the silent killer, which will result in all player lives becoming zero and the game ending. Each time game ends high score will be updated.
Course project for MGMT 301 Tech. Mgmnt & Entrepreneurship
Data Structures 2 Final Project at Habib University Spring 2021, a comparison on Packet Filtering using Splay Trees versus Skip Lists.
The project is to make a website for Taleem Gah - a school for underprivileged children.
Attempting to find an optimal solution to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) using an Evolutionary Algorithm.
Attempting to find an optimal solution to the Vehicle Routing Problem using an Ant Colony Optimization.