
ioBroker Adapter for the KOSTAL Plenticore

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An ioBroker adapter for KOSTAL Plenticore Plus inverter (i. e. Plenticore Plus 8.5)

This adapter uses the internal web interface of the inverter to access the properties and settings of your inverter and connected devices (e. g. battery or smart energy meter). To use the adapter you need to have the ioBroker instance connected to the network your KOSTAL Plenticore is in.

This adapter is NOT an official product of KOSTAL neither it is supported or endoresed by KOSTAL. It is a private project still in early development state, so use at your own risk!


Set the IP address of your inverter (e. g. and your password you are using to connect as plant owner to the inverter's web interface. The polling interval is in milliseconds (i. e. 10000 is 10 seconds).


The adapter does not use screenscraping. It uses the same REST API that the web interface does. There might be (lots of) features that are not (yet) used by the adapter.

Why not (simply) use modbus?

The inverter has modbus tcp enabled so you could use the modbus adapter to query values. KOSTAL has not allowed writing any of the modbus addresses, though. So you can't set e. g. battery minimum SoC using ioBroker.

Using the adapter

The adapter should fill some objects under the plenticore.X object tree. Some of those are read-only, e. g. the current PV output or home power consumption. Others are changeable, e. g. the battery's minimum SoC or the battery management modes. I tested the adapter on the Plenticore Plus 10.


Following is an excerpt of the most important objects used and filled by this adapter. All Settings marked with [**] should be editable but not all of them were tested and there might be bugs.


The devices.local tree contains information about the inverter and possibly attached smart energy meter and / or battery.

plenticore.X.devices.local.Dc_P - the current DC power including the self-used power of the inverter. This value should be near the value of plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.P (about +30-40W)
plenticore.X.devices.local.Pv_P - the current PV power generated. This value is calculated by the adapter by summing up the pvx.P values.
plenticore.X.devices.local.Home_P - the current total home power used
plenticore.X.devices.local.HomeBat_P - the current home power provided by the battery
plenticore.X.devices.local.HomePv_P - the current home power directly provided by the plant
plenticore.X.devices.local.HomeGrid_P - the current home power provided by the grid
plenticore.X.devices.local.ToGrid_P - the current power sent to the grid. This value is calculated by the adapter and may not be 100% acurate.
plenticore.X.devices.local.LimitEvuAbs - the calculated current limit of power that may leave the converter. if more power is generated by the plant it will be lost.
plenticore.X.devices.local.StateKey0 - if true the battery management of the inverter has been unlocked


This channel contains information about the AC side of the inverter. Most important are:
plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.Frequency - the net frequency
plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.L1_P - the current power of phase 1 in W
plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.L2_P - the current power of phase 2 in W
plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.L3_P - the current power of phase 3 in W
plenticore.X.devices.local.ac.P - the current total power emitted by the inverter, including battery discharge


plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.Cycles - the lifetime battery cycles up to now
[**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.DynamicSoc - true if dynamic SoC is enabled (only if SmartBatteryControl is true, too)
[**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.MinHomeConsumption - the minimum home power consumption that is needed for the battery to be used
[**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.MinSoc - the desired minimum SoC (State of Charge) of the battery. The actual SoC might go below this if there is lacking sun power.
plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.MinSocDummy - This value is set by the adapter if the MinSoC management is disabled in the config. It is to show to what value the MinSoC would be set.
plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.P - the current battery power (negative if charging, positive if discharging)
plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.Charge_P - the current battery charging power (0 if discharging)
plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.Discharge_P - the current battery discharging power (0 if charging)
[**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.SmartBatteryControl - true if the smart battery management is enabled. Regarding the official manual this shall only be enabled if there is no further AC source like a second inverter involved
[**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.ExternControl - Can only be set from web interface as installateur. For control via ioBroker use the states ExternControl_DcPowerAbs and ExternControl_MaxChargePowerAbs while ExternControl is set to 2 (Modbus TCP). [**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.ExternControl_DcPowerAbs - DANGER:Use this only if you know what you do, wrong usage can damage your battery! IMPORTANT: The value has to be Updated every 3 minutes, otherwise the plenticore switches to internal control unless it receives a new value. This state is only available if ExternControl is set to 2 (Modbus TCP). The value is in Watt and can be set from -10000 to 10000. A negative value means that the battery is discharging, a positive value means that the battery is charging. [**] plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.ExternControl_MaxChargePowerAbs - DANGER: Use this only if you know what you are doing, wrong use can damage your battery! IMPORTANT: The value has to be Updated every 3 minutes, otherwise the plenticore switches to internal control unless it receives a new value. This state is only available if ExternControl is set to 2 (Modbus TCP). plenticore.X.devices.local.battery.SoC - the current state of charge of the battery


plenticore.X.devices.local.inverter.MaxApparentPower - the maximum power that the inverter can provide

plenticore.X.devices.local.pv1 / pv2 / pv3

plenticore.X.devices.local.pvX.P - the current power that is provided by phase X of the plant


This channel contains information and settings of the device itself


[**] plenticore.X.scb.modbus.ModbusEnable - true if the modbus tcp is enabled
[**] plenticore.X.scb.modbus.ModbusUnitId - modbus unit id of the device


[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.Hostname - the current host name of the inverter
[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4Auto - use DHCP to provide the ip address settings for the inverter
[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4Address - the current ip address of the inverter
[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4DNS1 and plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4DNS2 - the currently used DNS servers
[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4Gateway - the currently used network gateway
[**] plenticore.X.scb.network.IPv4Subnetmask - the network subnet mask


[**] plenticore.X.scb.time.NTPservers - the currently used time servers (NTP). Those can be multiple ones separated by space.
[**] plenticore.X.scb.time.NTPuse - use NTP to set current device time settings
[**] plenticore.X.scb.time.Timezone - the time zone of the device


The datapoints in this section contain the statistics that are visible in the Plenticore web UI. Following only the Day datapoints are mentioned, but each of them is also available for Month, Year and Total.

plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.AutarkyDay - the autarky in percent for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.CO2SavingDay - the estimated saved CO2 in kg for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.EnergyHomeDay - the total home consumption in Wh for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.EnergyHomePvDay - the total home consumption provided by the PV plant for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.EnergyHomeBatDay - the total home consumption provided by the battery for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.EnergyHomeGridDay - the total home consumption provided by the power grid for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.EnergyToGridDay - the total power sent to the power grid for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.OwnConsumptionRateDay - the own consumption rate (generated plant power NOT sent to the grid) for the current day
plenticore.0.scb.statistic.EnergyFlow.YieldDay - the total yield of the plant for the current day

Forecast data

To power forecast feature uses different weather data sources. It works out-of-the-box but you can improve the results by adding instances of one or more of the following weather adapters: ioBroker.darksky, ioBroker.weatherunderground, ioBroker.daswetter. For the feature to work you need to have the system's global geo position (longitude and latitude) configured and set the extended config of the plenticore adapter (panel and battery data if applicable).

How does the forecast work

The forecast feature uses the provided data of your power plant and battery to calculate the maximum possible power generated at each time of the day. This is done by using the system's location to get the sun elevation and azimuth and calculate solar radiance values. Those values are combined with weather forecast data from different sources to get the cloudiness, fog and rain forecast for each hour of the day. Using those data the adapter calculates a possible power the plant might be able to generate in each our of sunlight.

The forecast values can then be used to set the MinSoC of the battery, enable or disable the dynamic "intelligent battery management" of the converter (both done internally by the adapter) or control other decives in the household, e. g. heating, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher etc. (done by external JavaScript/Blockly of the user).


plenticore.0.forecast.consumption.day - current power consumption average for daytime during last 3 days
plenticore.0.forecast.consumption.night - current power consumption average for nighttime during last 3 days
plenticore.0.forecast.consumption.remaining - estimated remaining power consumption for current forecast day until sunset


plenticore.0.forecast.current.power.generated - generated plant power on current day until current time
plenticore.0.forecast.current.power.max - calculated maximum plant power on clear sky (0% cloud coverage)
plenticore.0.forecast.current.power.sky - calculated plant power taking into account current cloud coverage from weather adapters
plenticore.0.forecast.current.power.skyvis - calculated plant power taking into account current cloud coverage and visibility from weather adapters
plenticore.0.forecast.current.power.skyvisrain - calculated plant power taking into account current cloud coverage, visibility and rain forecast from weather adapters
plenticore.0.forecast.current.visibility.* - current visibility forecast provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.rain.* - current rain forecast provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.rainChance.* - current rain probability forecast provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sky.* - current cloud forecast provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sky_high.* - current cloud forecast (upper air layers) provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sky_medium.* - current cloud forecast (middle air layers) provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sky_low.* - current cloud forecast (lower air layers) provided by the corresponding weather adapter
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sun.azimuth - current sun position (azimuth)
plenticore.0.forecast.current.sun.elevation - current sun position (eleevation)

plenticore.0.forecast.day1 – same applies for day2

plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.date - date the current power forecast info is for
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.day - total power forecast for the day
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.day_adjusted - total power forecast for the day keeping into account the generated power until now and using forecast data only for remaining sun hours
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.day_high - total power forecast for the day ignoring the weather adapter's visibility data
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.remaining - remaining power of forecast total for the day, based on forecast for remaining sun hours
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.Xh.power - estimated total power from plant on sun hour X of the forecast day, where 1h is the hour of sunrise
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.Xh.power_high - estimated total power from plant on sun hour X of the forecast day, but without keeping into account the visibility or rain data
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.power.Xh.time - the time the sun hour for plenticore.0.forecast.power.Xh.power starts
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.sun.sunrise - sunrise time of forecast date
plenticore.0.forecast.day1.sun.sunset - sunset time of forecast date

Smart battery control

The smart battery control from KOSTAL does not use a weather forecast. Therefore, it does not always control ideally to ensure on the one hand that the battery is fully charged and on the other hand to avoind feed-in limitation as much as possible. This adapter tries to optimize this. Two strategies are offered for this, which can be selected in the settings of the adapter. If the smart battery control from KOSTAL is active, it decides when and how much electricity goes into the grid or into the battery. The adapter can only decide whether the KOSTAL smart control is active, but not how it operates.

Strategy 1: Double day forecast vs. battery capacity

Brief description: Switch KOSTAL Smart Management on, if (minimum SoC is reached) AND (remaining power until sunset - remaining consumption - free battery capacity) >= 2 * battery capacity.

Strategy 2: Remaining forecast vs. consumption and free battery capacity

The KOSTAL Smart Management is only activated if (according to the prognosis) both of the following conditions are met:

  • There is at least one hour in which the feed limit is exceeded (otherwise you don't need the Smart Management because everything can be fed in to the grid).
  • Presumably more electricity is available than needed during the day for consumption during the day and for charging the battery (otherwise, space in the battery would be free throughout the day even without Smart Management) The actual control is a bit more complex as it also prevents the intelligent control from being turned on/off many times.


  • If all hourly forecast values ​​are lower than "Maximum feed-in", the KOSTAL control is not activated. The maximum feed-in is assumed 15% lower in order to anticipate variations caused by clouds.
  • Between 3 p.m. and sunrise, the setting of the KOSTAL smart control is not changed. The KOSTAL control seems to work better if it is not switched on/off unnecessarily often. During this period, the KOSTAL control has no disadvantage.
  • A hysteresis is used to switch on/off less often. It will turn off when the current SoC is less than the "Minimum SoC to activate battery management" or when the free power is below 0. It will turn on when the current SoC is greater than "Minimum SoC to activate battery management"+1 and the free power is greater than 10% of the battery capacity.



  • (Jey Cee) Added possibility to control battery charging


  • Added alternative smart battery strategy (Description see above) [PastCoder]


  • Fixed forecast zickzack [PastCoder]


  • Fixed state value types for new version of js-controller
    Warning: Please delete state object scb.export.LastExportOk after update and restart adapter
  • Allow providing a custom port for connection to converter
  • Allow using https connection to converter
  • Fixed some state object types


  • Fixed met.no rain forecast value


  • Update of met.no API to locationforecast 2.0
  • Removed xml2js library
  • Update of base library


  • Updated base library to support js controller 3.2


  • Copyright year updated


  • Package information fixed


  • Disable smart battery control as long as SoC is lower than MinSoC + 8% to avoid using grid power on consumption peaks
  • Disable darksky usage (service discontinued)


  • Fixed wrong hour of weather forecast from daswetter adapter


  • Added setting for minimum SoC to enable battery management


  • Fixed problems in config and translations


  • Added further forecast sources to provide better power forecasts
  • Added second day forecast
  • Improved code and fixed some minor issues
  • New dependency for xml2js
  • Updated readme


  • Code rework
  • Outsourced many functions to libraries
  • This version has new dependencies and requires a newer adapter-core version!
  • Several fixes


  • No changes


  • Added support for weatherunderground weather adapter. The adapter can be choosen as alternative forecast source over the DarkSky adapter.


  • Fixed a warning message occuring far too often


  • Added forecast features to readme


  • Added power forecast feature


  • Added translations
  • Fixed shadow management handling.


  • Added shadow management datapoint.


  • Do not query battery values if battery management is not unlocked.


  • Resolved adapter check issues, see pixcept#1
  • Added statistics data points.


  • Removed admin adapter dependency


  • First running Version


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2022 Marius Burkard

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


