
Sane defaults for your next project.

Primary LanguageRuby


Sane defaults for your next project.


  • Ruby 3.0.2
  • Rails 6.1.4

Already setup for you

  • Authentication using warden
  • Stimulus.js
  • Sidekiq
  • Turbo ready
  • Uses postgreSQL
  • Rubocop
  • Prettier
  • GitHub Actions

Running sidekiq

bundle exec sidekiq

Configurations can be found at ./config/sidekiq.yml

You can view your jobs at localhost:3000/sidekiq

Rename this app

After cloning and installing the app, you probably need to rename this project. Currently, it is named as RailsBoilerplate, but if you want to change all occurrences of RailsBoilerplate to TaskManagement, you need to run

perl -e "s/RailsBoilerplate/TaskManagement/g;" -pi $(find . -type f)

If you'd also like to rename your databases, run

perl -e "s/rails_boilerplate/task_management/g;" -pi $(find . -type f)


MIT licensed.