
Used 'bag-of-words' model to predict authors of the Federalist Papers

Primary LanguagePython

HW5 README Andrew Beinstein

hw5.py: Python script containing the main code document.py: Contains the Document class I used to represent a single Federalist Paper extra_credit.py: Contains the code I used for the extra credit. WARNING: Uses the NLTK Python library. I'm not sure if the Linux machines have that installed. hw5.pdf: The write-up containing explanations/descriptions/plots/etc federalist: Directory containing the federalist papers

To reproduce the results found in the write-up, refer to hw5.py. At the bottom of the file, I have indicated some lines of code that you can uncomment in order to reproduce the results I printed in the write-up. Reproducing the extra-credit involves installing the NLTK library, feel free to ask me for assistance if that does not work!

Cheers, Andrew