Welcome to the Shopping Cart project repository! 🛒

🧑‍💻 What was developed in the project

Neste projeto feito em exercício na Trybe, foi criado um carrinho de compras totalmente dinâmico!. Os itens são gerados por uma API externa do Mercado Livre.

In this project carried out at Trybe, a fully dynamic shopping cart was created!. Items are generated by an external API of Mercado Livre.


🚀Technologies and Tools:

👨🏻‍💻🖥 Usage

# Clone the repository
$ git clone git@github.com:abel-mariano/project-shopping-cart.git
# Enter directory
$ cd project-shopping-cart
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install or npm i
# Start application on local server
$ npm run dev

🎓 Author

Image do user
Abel Mariano