Project Description

This Airbnb Clone is the first main project at ALX Software Engineering Programme. The aim is to develop an entire web application that simulates the behavior of the Airbnb platform. Starting from the console or command interpreter, to manipulate data without a visual interface, like in a Shell (perfect for development and debugging), followed by the construction of a website (the front-end) that shows the final product to everybody: static and dynamic, once it's finished what follows is the connection with the database or files that store data (data = objects). And last but not least, the creation of an API that provides a communication interface between the front-end and your data (retrieve, create, delete, update them).

The Console

HTML My SQL HTML with Fabric Flask web application server REST API WEB Dynamic Functionalities of this command interpreter: Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place) Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc... Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc...) Update attributes of an object Destroy an object

Storage Instances of classes are saved in a JSON string representation to the file.json file at the root directory. Any modifications (additions, deletions, updates) to the objects are saved automatically to the file. The JSON file serves as a simple database that helps the data persist across sessions.

The contributors to this project are: Michael Chime Ndubuisi Abel Udo