
Fast matrix-vector multiplication in Kronecker form

Primary LanguageC++


Matrice-vector product in tensor-train format


Compile project with make.

Run benchmarks with make bench.

Run test suite with make test.

Format code with clang-format -i src/*.cpp include/*.h.

Creating a ttmat:

Here is an example for creating a 3-dimensional TT-matrix of sizes (10x15), (12x12), (14x8) and ranks (1, 5, 8, 1).

./build/create-ttmat -f ttmat.bin -d 3 -m 10,12,14 -n 15,12,8 -r 5,8

Creating a ttvec:

Here is an example for creating a 3-dimensional TT-vector of sizes (15, 12, 8) and ranks (1, 4, 2, 1).

./build/create-ttvec -f ttvec.bin -d 3 -m 15,12,8 -r 4,2

Running the skeleton code

After having craeted a TT-matrix and a TT-vector in a file (say "mata.bin" and "vecx.bin"), you can run the skeleton code that computes the matrix-vector multiplication and saves it in the file "vecy.bin" as follows

./build/ttmatvec -a mata.bin -x vecx.bin -y vecy.bin

Note that this around, the number of columns of the TT-matrix in each dimension (specified after -n above) must correspond to number of rows of the corresponding dimension of the TT-vector to be multiplied with (specified after -m).

Comparing the resulting ttvec

Once your code creates the matvec result in a file (say "vecy.bin"), you need to compare it with the result of the reference implementation (say "vecy-ref.bin"). You can realize this with the following command

./build/compare-ttvec -x vecy.bin -y vecy-ref.bin



Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz

Compiler: gcc 4.8.5