
This library is used to decode tokens for Apple Pay.

Primary LanguagePHP

Travis CI Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Apple Pay Token Decoder

This library is used to decode tokens for Apple Pay.

It takes a payment token data and returns an ApplePayPaymentData object. ex:

class PayU\ApplePay\Decoding\ApplePayPaymentData#19 (9) {
  private $version =>
  private $applicationPrimaryAccountNumber =>
  string(16) "20427527000"
  private $applicationExpirationDate =>
  string(6) "190731"
  private $currencyCode =>
  string(3) "643"
  private $transactionAmount =>
  private $deviceManufacturerIdentifier =>
  string(12) "050103073"
  private $paymentDataType =>
  string(8) "3DSecure"
  private $onlinePaymentCryptogram =>
  string(28) "Am+7lPDbobAGVT7hNAoABA=="
  private $eciIndicator =>


Run composer require payu/apple-pay


See https://github.com/PayU/apple-pay/blob/master/examples/decode_token.php

For more information about how Apple Pay tokens decoding works go to: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/PassKit/Reference/PaymentTokenJSON/PaymentTokenJSON.html

Only works on Linux hosts with openssl installed

For open pull requests please make sure the Travis build does not fail!