
PowerShell based module that can decode System Errors, Exit codes, port numbers, HTTP Statuses and more. This module can be used to quick lookup Error descriptions, to add verbosity to your custom error messages and for a better Error Handling, Investigation and Analysis.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


PowerShell based module that can decode System Errors, Exit codes, port numbers, HTTP Statuses and more. This module can be used to quick lookup Error descriptions, to add verbosity to your custom error messages and for a better Error Handling, Investigation and Analysis.

Technically the module offers a set of cmdlets that query a database of Error/Exit codes, port numbers, and MAC addresses which totals to 83049 individual records as of now when I’m writing this.

Type Range Count Comments
System Errors 0-15999 2764 Windows System Errors and Exit Codes
Internet Errors 12000-12175 114 Subset of System Errors
Port Numbers 0-65535 56506 Registered and Unregistered ports
HTTP Status Codes 100-599 63 Status codes - Informational, Success, Redirection, Client/Server Error
MAC Vendor Codes N/A 23602 16754 Manufacturers mapped to 23602 MAC Vendor bits


  • Decode Exit Codes and Windows System errors

  • List all 'Listening' ports and service with description

  • Identify MAC vendors for Network related troubleshooting

  • Adds verbosity to you HTTP requests


PowerShell V5 and Later

You can install the Gridify module directly from the PowerShell Gallery

  • [Recommended] Install to your personal PowerShell Modules folder
Install-Module PSDecode -scope CurrentUser

  • [Requires Elevation] Install for Everyone (computer PowerShell Modules folder)
Install-Module PSDecode

PowerShell V4 and Earlier

To install to your personal modules folder run:

iex (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrateekKumarSingh/PSDecode/master/Install.ps1')