

Primary LanguagePowerShell

SSL test

Simple test for ssl labs with report

How to use

  1. Git clone https://github.com/abelal83/mwace.git
  2. Use Powershell Core v7 (may work on v6)
  3. Modify appsettings.json accordingly
  4. Run main.ps1
  5. Report should be generated under ~/report.html
  6. Email funcitonality not fully tested as no access to smtp server but uses native powershell cmdlet so should be fine


Some basic tests created using pester tests, to run simply run ./Tests.ps1 from powerhshell core.

If pester is not installed you can find it here https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Pester/

Note that tests were created against Pester 3.4.0