
Agile Distributed Authoring Kit

Primary LanguageXMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Adagio: Agile Distributed AuthorinG Integrated tOolkit

This free software is copyleft licensed under the version 2 of the GPL license.

Adagio is a rule-based program (similar to "make") that given a file containing a set of rules, it automatically executes them. Given a directory and a set of rules, a new set of files are created by applying the rules automatically.

The rules are all included in a file with name {0}. The file is written in INI format. A rule is defined with a name in brackets at the begining of a line. Each rule has a set of name = value assignments.

The script visits the current directory and process the rule file included in that directory. If no rule is given when invoking adagio, all of the rules in the file are executed.


The script accepts the following options:

-c filename: File containing the rule (default {0})

-d num: Debugging level. Used to control the amount of messages dumped. Possible values are:

      ERROR =          4
      WARNING =        3
      INFO =           2
      DEBUG =          1
      NOTSET =         0

-f path_to_rule_file: Given a path to a rule file, execute ADA in the directory where that file is, and with the given file as the rule file

-h: Shows this message

-p: Partial execution. Proceed even if some tools are not installed. Otherwise stop execution in the first missing tool.

-s 'rule name value': Executes the application by first storing in the environment the assignment name = value as part of a rule. This means that, unless overwritten by definitions in the properties file, this assignment will be visible to all the rules executed.

-x: Shows this message


Adagio processes the following rules. For each of them a more detailed description can be obtained by executing the adagio with the rule "rulename.help" (where rulename is any of the following):

  • convert: Convert, resize, crop images in different formats.

  • dblatex: Executes dblatex over a set of Docbook files to translate them to LaTeX

  • dvips: Executes dvips over a set of given DVI files

  • exam: Typeset a Docbook file with a specific format into an exam.

  • exercise: Typeset a Docbook file and produce a hand out for students and (optionally) a solution document, professor guide, and submission form.

  • export: Copy a set of files from a source directory to a (possibly given from other execution) destination directory. The copy is executed if a set of conditions are fullfilled.

  • filecopy: Copy files from a source directory.

  • gimp: Transform all files in format *.xcf to PNG.

  • gotodir: Invoke the execution of Adagio in a different directory (recursively).

  • inkscape: Transform a SVG file created by Inkscape into PNG, EPS, PS or PDF

  • latex: Execute LaTeX over a set of give *.tex files.

  • office2pdf: Produce a PDF file from a given set of Office files (Word or PowerPoint).

  • pdfnup: Execute pdfnup over a set of PDF files to create n-up handouts.

  • rsync: Executes rsync to synchronize a source and a destination dir.

  • script: Executes an extra rule given as a Python script.

  • testexam: Typesets a Docbook document in a special format containing a set of multiple choice tests into an HTML document. The rule shuffles the questions and creates several versions.

  • xfig: Transform figures created with xfig into PNG format.

  • xsltproc: Applies a XSL style sheet to a given XML file.

If you execute adagio with a single parameter made of a rule name followed by the suffix ".help" it provides a more detailed description of the operations contained in the rule.
