A platform offering teachers and educational designers the capacity to use data to personalise the learner experience.
- 436561
- albertgy9910San Diego
- anilprasadBangalore, Inida
- avplescia
- becplumbeSydney AU
- bodily11
- buckett@oxctl
- clintlalonde@BCcampus
- craigdsthompson@ubc
- deborahlow97Singapore
- eme1408
- firasmUBC Vancouver
- ifarmer37UNSW
- imSunnyk
- jairomelo@UCSB-Library-Research-Data-Services @neogranadina @imaginingfutures
- jankapunktUniversität Bremen
- jiangmin0520
- justin0022@ubc
- kadeweUniversität Bremen
- latec
- leichtweisUniversity of Auckland
- lydia-guThe University of Sydney
- nazifberatHumaanize
- nhf216
- ptitloup
- Rainzler-Exagone
- ravishwethaSingapore
- rboyattUniversity of Warwick
- SoxFaceChangineers & Sendle
- sserkantan
- stlkcmrd
- thezillia
- unabridgedxcrptCanada
- vnnwShanghai, China
- yagopMadrid, Spain
- ZacCatCA