
masculine urge to build a new shell

Primary LanguageC

42sh - Shell for ninja developers

42sh is a UNIX Shell with a lot of features, like autocompletion, history, alias,
  globing, background, variables of environment.


 When standard input is a tty, termcaps prompt is available and includes a lot of features:

         - CTRL^D : Exit the 42sh

         - CTRL^L : Clear the screen

     - CTRL^A : Move to the start of the line

     - CTRL^E : Move to the end of the line

     - CTRL^B : Move back one character

     - ALT^B : Move back one word

     - CTRL^F : Move forward one character

     - ALT^F  : Move forward one word

     - CTRL^U : Delete from the cursor to the beggining of the line.

     - CTRL^K : Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.

     - CTRL^W : Delete from the cursor to the start of the word. 

         - Right and Left Arrows : Move into command line

         - Up and Down Arrows : Brows throught commands history

         - Tabulation : Autocompletion

         If standard input is not a tty, termcaps prompt is not available.


42sh allows a lot of features relatives to previous command lines.

You can search previous commands in the termcaps prompt with up and down arrows.

Using !!, !n, !-n, !str will also let you use previous command easily.

      - !! : use the previous command

      - !n : use the n command


Use Regex in your command line, like ./a.out /tmp/* /dev/[a-z]+?*


Execute a program in background with '&' character.

For example: "google-chrome &" will execute google-chrome in background. 42sh won't be waiting until google-chrome ends.

If google-chrome is always in execution when 42sh exits, google-chrome will continue to be executed.


Using alias is a really useful feature.

For example, "ll" will be replaced by "ls -l" and "ls -l" will be execute.

With the same alias, executing "ll -a" will execute "ls -l -a".


Environment variables can be used like variables: "setenv var value" to set, "unsetenv var" to unset, "$var" to use and "env" to view.

Note: The $PATH environment variable contains all the paths where 42sh searches binarys to exec. Delete it is not the best way to use 42sh.


Exit 42sh.

A value can be passed as a parameter: "exit 12" will exit 42sh with the return value of atoi("12");


Echo parameters.

-n option won't print a '\n' at the end of the echo.


cd to the directory passed in parameter.

Without parameter, cd will move you into the home directory (such as "cd ~")

"cd -" will move you into the previous directory.