
Change the top level leader menus in LazyVim

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Update 20240329: This repository is archived.

lazyvim-menu-addon is an add-on for LazyVim.

LazyVim is a Neovim setup powered by lazy.nvim to make it easy to customize and extend your config.


The user wishes to change a top-level leader menu supplied by LazyVim, in order to use the corresponding leader key for something else.

The effort required to do so manually can be considerable.

For example, when changing leader c into leader C, each individual leader c key needs to be taken into consideration.

This addon will perform the changes automatically.




Leader keys will be changed when defined in:

  • plugin definitions
  • which-key menu descriptions
  • lazyvim.config.keymaps
  • nvim-lspconfig

Leader mappings defined by the user will not be modified.

The addon is designed to change a leader key into an available new leader key.

A decline in performance is not expected.


{ -- insert before LazyVim!
  version = "*",
  import = "lazyvim_menu_addon.hook",
  opts = { leaders_to_change = { f = "F", w = "W" } } -- for example...
-- add LazyVim and import its plugins
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" },


The addon must be inserted before the line that adds LazyVim in the starter template.


Change leader f for harpoon

  import = "lazyvim_menu_addon.hook",
  opts = { leaders_to_change = { f = "F" } }
-- add LazyVim and import its plugins
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" },
  name = "ThePrimeagen/harpoon.nvim",
  keys = { 
      function() vim.print("Harpoon UI") end,
      desc = "Harpoon UI on leader f" }

Change leader q and leader w

Map keys for leader q to quit and leader w to write.

  import = "lazyvim_menu_addon.hook",
  opts = { leaders_to_change = { q = "Q", w = "W" } }
-- add LazyVim and import its plugins
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" },
-- In your keymaps.lua, using a simple map function for vim.keymap.set:
-- leader q now available:
-- map("n", "<leader>q", "<cmd>q<cr>", { desc = "[Q]uit" })
-- leader w now available:
-- map("n", "<leader>w", "<cmd>w<cr><esc>", { desc = "[W]rite" })


  -- Select the leaders to change and the new value to use:
  ---@type table<string,string>
  leaders_to_change = {
    -- Examples:
    -- ["<tab>"] = "T", -- tabs
    -- b = "B", -- buffer
    -- c = "C", -- code
    -- f = "F", -- file/find
    -- g = "G", -- git
    -- q = "Q", -- quit/session
    -- s = "S", -- search
    -- u = "U", -- ui
    -- w = "W", -- window
    -- x = "X", -- diagnostics/quickfix

Current limitations


The algorithm changing keys for nvim-lspconfig does not differentiate between keys defined in LazyVim's lsp keys and keys defined by the user.

Consequently, when changing leader c, any leader c defined by the user targeting nvim-lspconfig will be changed as well.

The user can use leader c for other actions.

Changing keys for the lsp is explained in the docs:

vscode extra

The vscode extra defines a key for leader s that is not intercepted. When using vscode, please do not change leader s using this addon.

java extra

The java extra is the only extra in extras.lang using which-key.register to map actual keys. That method is difficult to reliably intercept. When using the java extra, please do not change leader c and leader t using this addon.


This addon injects code into the following methods:

Example: Leader c in LazyVim

An overview of all <leader> c occurrences in the current codebase.

LazyVim core

  • ca-"Code Action": nvim-lspconfig in lazyvim.plugin.lsp.keymaps
  • cA-"Source Action": nvim-lspconfig in lazyvim.plugin.lsp.keymaps
  • cd-"Line Diagnostics": generic key in lazyvim.config.keymaps
  • cf-"Format": generic key in lazyvim.config.keymaps
  • cF-"Format Injected Langs": conform.nvim in lazyvim.plugins.format
  • cl-"Lsp Info": nvim-lspconfig in lazyvim.plugin.lsp.keymaps
  • cm-"Mason": mason.nvim in lazyvim.plugin.lsp
  • cr-"Rename": mason.nvim in lazyvim.plugin.lsp


  defaults = {
    -- key descriptions
    ["<leader>c"] = "+coding"
    -- more key descriptions


For example: typescript

  • co-"Organize Imports": nvim-lspconfig in lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.typescript
  • cR-"Remove Unused Imports": nvim-lspconfig in lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.typescript



This is the current approach.

LazyVim provides a lot of flexibility when mapping individual keys. However, when the user wants to change a top-level menu, in order to use that leader key for something else, the number of changes to perform can be considerable.


I presume that the use-case this addon addresses is not that common.

Builtin to LazyVim

See this feature request:

feature: configurable single source of truth for keymaps

The solution proposed in this request implicates a lot of changes to the codebase. Each key mapping would require a string operation on the leader part and the actual key.

-- Feature request, the suggested solution:
  "PrefixCode" = "<leader>c",
  "KeymapMason" = "%PrefixCode%m",
  "KeymapFormatInjected" = "%PrefixCode%F",

-- Current codebase: mason.nvim in lazyvim.plugins.lsp:

  -- spec
  keys = { { "<leader>cm", "<cmd>Mason<cr>", desc = "Mason" } },
  -- more of the spec



All keys would be configurable from one central location.


The keys in the current codebase are readable on first sight. No need to first find out what the prefix is mapped to. Also, having a definition file covering all keys reduces the independence of the modules in the codebase.

Purpose of the addon:

This addon provides an alternative approach to the proposed solution in the feature request.

The user is expected to change individual keys as usual. The knowledge gained by doing so is very valuable. After all, LazyVim is intended to customize and extend your config.

That said, this addon can be helpful when changing a top-level leader menu, with the intent to use the corresponding leader key for something else.


It would be possible to incorporate the code or ideas supplied by this addon into the codebase of LazyVim


  • lazy.nvim: The architecture, semantics and enhanced possibilities.
  • LazyVim: The concept of a plugin as a collection of other plugins.