
"DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks" for Windows with EPKL

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DreymaR's Big Bag Of Keyboard Tricks - EPKL

EPiKaL PortableKeyboardLayout for Windows, with layouts

Θώθ – What Is This?

Info about DreymaR's Big Bag of keyboard trickery is mainly found on the Colemak forum:

  • The Big Bag main topic with better explanations and links.

  • Daughter topics for implementations, including the Big Bag for EPKL/Windows one.

  • This repo contains EPiKaL PKL (EPKL) with several improvements over PKL.

  • It also implements most of my Big Bag for (E)PKL, as layout and other .ini files.

Getting EPKL up and running

  • Download a full copy of this repo or just its executable resources.
    • Under Release Assets, there's a .ZIP file with the files needed to run EPKL.
    • If you also want the source code, press the GitHub Download/Clone button and then unzip the file you got.
    • If you download or clone the repo, you need to run Compile_EPKL.bat to produce the EPKL.exe binary.
  • FAST LANE: If you simply want "just Colemak", rename the Layouts_Override file so EPKL uses defaults.
    • Otherwise, see the next steps for how to set and/or edit the layout(s) you want.
  • Choose a layout with your keyboard type, locale and Curl/Angle/Wide etc preferences, by shorthand or full name.
    • There are two main layout types: VK which only moves your keys, and eD which maps each shift state.
    • There are some premade Locale variants, if you need to type in other languages. Check out which variants exist.
  • In your EPKL_Layouts .ini, activate the layout(s) you want by editing and/or uncommenting (remove initial semicolon).
    • There's a Layouts_Default and a Layouts_Override file. Entries in the override, if present, take precedence.
    • My shortcuts use the KbdType (@K) etc values but you could also type the path to a layout folder out in full
    • The format is: layout = ‹1st layout folder›:‹1st menu entry›,‹2nd layout folder›:‹2nd menu entry› etc
  • Now, simply run EPKL.exe inside its main folder in any way you like!

More Know-How

  • This repo contains executables for EPKL as well as the original PKL, and source code for both.
  • The layouts are updated to EPKL format though, so they'd need some reconstruction for the old PKL.
  • The EPKL_Layouts .ini files hold layout choices. EPKL_Settings.ini holds general program settings.
  • The layout.ini files hold layout settings and mappings. They often point to and augment a BaseLayout file.
  • There's a "LayStack" for layout info priority. Mappings/settings at higher levels will take precedence:
    • The layout.ini file in the chosen Layout folder gets the last word about, e.g., remaps
    • The BaseLayout .ini file usually found under each layout type may define most of the layout
    • The EPKL_Layouts_Override, if present, can contain non-default info about the layout choice etc
    • The EPKL_Layouts_Default, finally, holds default and common settings/mappings
    • Beyond this, specialized files may hold Extend or DeadKey mappings. See below.
  • In theory, you could put all the info needed for a whole layout into any one of these layout stack files.

The files may take a little tweaking to get what you want. There are several parameters:

  • Colemak vs QWERTY vs what-have-you, obviously. Choose wisely!
    • This repo by default contains mainly Colemak(-DH) and Tarmak layouts, with QWERTY included.
  • Full/VK mappings: I've provided my own Colemak[eD] as well as 'VirtualKey' versions
    • The VK layouts just move the keys of your installed OS layout around, without other changes
    • The [eD] layouts have their own Shift/AltGr mappings specified.
    • You may mix mapping types freely in any layout.
  • ISO (European/World) vs ANSI (US) vs other keyboard types
    • ISO boards have a VK_102 key between Z and LShift. Some OEM_ key codes differ from ANSI ones.
    • JIS (Japanese) etc are not supported so far. Sorry. Gomen-nasai. ごめんなさい. ᏊᵕꈊᵕᏊ
  • Curl(DH), Angle and/or Wide ergonomic mods, moving some keys to more comfortable positions
    • Angle/Wide affect the "hard" key positions in the layout.ini file, usually both for Layout and Extend
    • Curl(DH) is Colemak/Tarmak specific and for the most part should not affect Extend
    • The Curl(DH) mod does insert D between C and V though. There's a remap to let Extend+V still be Paste
  • Extend mappings, using for instance CapsLock as a modifier for nav/edit/multimedia/etc keys. It's awesome!!!
    • The Extend modifier may even double as a Tap-or-Mod key so that when you tap it, something else happens.
    • The most advanced way of using this may be the Mother-of-DeadKeys which allows really fancy "tap dances"!
    • Holding down Shift and/or AltGr while first holding or while tapping the Ext key affects which layer is used.
  • In EPKL_Layouts you can use shorthand (@#) for KbdType/CurlMod/ErgoMod etc, or set the layout folder path directly.
    • For Extend set an Extend file and a working Extend modifier. The latter needs to be mapped to a key.
    • My _eD_Extend mappings file is in the Files folder. Look inside it to learn more.
  • In the layout folder(s) you've chosen, you may edit the layout.ini files further if required. See below.
    • Mod remaps, help image specifications, Extend key, key mappings etc can be set in the LayStack .ini files.
    • Many layouts use a BaseLayout. Most mappings may be there, so the top layout.ini only has to change a few keys.
  • To learn more about remaps, see the _eD_Remap.ini file. They can even turn Colemak into QWERTY (oh no...!).
  • There's a file for named literals/PowerStrings. These are useable by layouts, Extend and dead keys.
  • Also, a Dead Key file. DKs are mapped as @###. Pressing the key then a release glyph may produce something new!
    • There are help images for DKs, these can be very useful as they show what releases are in different shift states.
    • I haven't made images for all variants though, so there may be minor discrepancies.
  • Help images aren't available with every board and mod combo, as there are so many of them. See below.

Hotkeys found in the EPKL_Settings file:

  • Ctrl+Shift+1 – Display/hide help image
  • Ctrl+Shift+2 – Switch layout between the ones specified in the settings file
  • Ctrl+Shift+3 – Suspend EPKL; hit again to re-activate. It may be Ctrl+Shift+` instead
  • Ctrl+Shift+4 – Exit EPKL
  • Ctrl+Shift+5 – Refresh EPKL, if it gets stuck or something
  • Ctrl+Shift+6 – Zoom the help image in/out, to see it better or get it out of the way
  • Ctrl+Shift+7 – Move the help image between positions, as by mouseover

Techy tips for EPKL:

  • EPKL, being portable, doesn't need an install with admin rights to work. You must still be allowed to run programs.
  • I usually put a shortcut to EPKL.exe in my Start Menu "Startup" folder so it starts on logon, per user.
  • EPKL can also easily be used with the PortableApps.com menu by putting its folder in a C:\PortableApps folder.
    • If the PortableApps menu is run on logon it can start up EPKL for you too.
  • Look in the various .ini files under Files and Layouts if you're interested! Much is explained there.
  • See my examples in the Extend file for some advanced mappings! These may be used in layouts and dead keys too.
  • EPKL uses both .ini and source files that may be UTF-8 Unicode encoded.
  • EPKL allows end-of-line comments (whitespace-semicolon) in .ini files, the old PKL only allowed them in layout entries.
  • Running EPKL with other (AutoHotkey) key mapping scripts may get confusing if there is so-called hook competition.

Key mappings

Most of my layouts have a base layout defined; their layout section may then change some keys. You can add key definitions following this pattern.

Here are some full key mappings followed by a legend:

SC018 = Y       1     y     Y     --    ›     »     ; QWERTY oO
SC019 = OEM_1   0     ;     :     --    @0a8  …     ; QWERTY pP - dk_umlaut (ANS/ISO_1/3)
;SC   = VK      CS    S0    S1    S2    S6    S7    ; comments


  • SC & VK: Scan code ("hard code") & Virtual Key Code ("key name"); also see my Key Code Table.
    • For SC, you can use an AHK key name instead. For full mappings I think you need the real VK name in the VK entry.
    • Example: The above SC are for the O and P keys; these are mapped to their Colemak equivalents Y and ;.
    • Check out that the ISO/ANSI specific OEM_# key numbers are right for you, or remapped with a VK remap.
    • Example: OEM_1 above is the semicolon key for ANSI, but ISO names the semicolon key OEM_3.
    • If the VK entry is VK/ModName, that key is Tap-or-Mod. If tapped it works as stated, if held down it's the modifier.
    • The VK code may be an AHK key name. For modifiers you may use only the first letters, so LSh -> LShift etc.
  • CS: Cap state. Default 0; +1 if S1 is the capitalized version of S0 (that is, CapsLock acts as Shift for it); +4 for S6/S7.
    • Example: For the Y key above, CS = 1 because Y is a capital y. For OEM_1, CS = 0 because : isn't a capital ;.
  • S#: Modifier states for the key. S0/S1:Unmodified/+Shift, S2:Ctrl (rarely used), S6/S7:AltGr/+Shift.
    • Example: Shift+AltGr+y sends the » glyph. AltGr+; has the special entry @0a8 (umlaut DK).
  • Special prefix-entry syntax (can be used for layouts, Extend and dead key entries; two possibilities for each prefix):
    • → | %‹entry› : Send a literal string/ligature by the SendInput {Raw}‹entry› method (default)
    • § | $‹entry› : Send a literal string/ligature by the SendMessage ‹entry› method
    • α | *‹entry› : Send ‹entry› directly, allowing AHK syntax (!+^# are modifiers, {} key names)
    • β | =‹entry› : Send {Blind}‹entry›, keeping the current modifier state
    • « | ~‹entry› : Send the 4-digit hex Unicode point U+
    • Ð | @‹entry› : Send the current layout's dead key named ‹entry›
    • ¶ | &‹entry› : Send the current layout's powerstring named ‹entry›; some are abbreviations like &Esc, &Tab...

Here are some VirtualKey/VKey and Modifier/Mod mappings. Any layout may contain all types of mappings.

RWin    = Back      VirtualKey      ; RWin   -> Backspace
RShift  = LShift    Modifier        ; RShift -> LShift, so it works with LShift hotkeys
SC149   = NEXT      VirtualKey      ; PgUp   -> PgDn (use the proper VKEY name here)
SC151   = PRIOR     VirtualKey      ; PgDn   -> PgUp (--"--)

Entries are any-whitespace delimited (single Tab before v0.4.6).

Advanced Extending

Here are some sample Extend key mappings:

SC03A   = Extend    Modifier        ; Caps   -> The Extend modifier (see the Big Bag)
SC03A   = BACK/Ext  VirtualKey      ; Caps   -> Tap-or-Mod: Backspace if tapped, Extend if held
SC03A   = BACK/Ext  0   @ex0 @ex1 *#. @ex6 @ex7 ; Mother-of-DeadKeys (MoDK) on tap, Extend on hold
  • These mappings merit explanation. Extend is a most marvelous beast, so don't be daunted now! ฅ(=ʘᆽʘ=)ฅ
  • The above Extend modifier mappings may be in any LayStack .ini file, usually in Layouts_Default
  • Holding designated modifiers, RShift and/or RAlt by default (specified in the Settings), chooses Extend layers.
    • So, e.g., holding the Ext1 mod (RAlt) then the Ext key (Caps) activates the Extend2 layer (NumPad).
  • After selecting your Extend layer, you hold down only the Extend key (Caps by default) and start using Extend!
  • Extend layers (like Ext3/Ext4) can be set as one-shot so they fall back to another layer after each use.
    • This lets you for instance release a string then keep editing. But dead keys are better for that, see below.
  • Setting the Extend key as a Tap-or-Mod (ToM) key as above lets you tap it for, e.g., Backspace or hold for Extend.
  • Mother-of-DeadKeys (MoDK) is the most powerful option. Tapping Extend activates a dead key depending on shift state!
    • Tapping Ext alone or with Shift/AltGr activates the dead keys "ex0/1/6/7". See the DeadKeys.ini file!
    • In my default example, Ext-tap alone lets you activate symbols and commands easily.
    • Shift+Ext-tap activates a kaomoji DK, similar to Ext3 but you don't have to hold down the Ext key! d( ^◇^)b
    • Another advantage of DK layers over Extend layers is that you can make entries for any release char.
    • So, e.g., Ext3 has one kitty kaomoji (=^・ω・^=)丿 but dk_Ext_Kaomoji has one for k and one for K. (=ΦωΦ=)ʃ
    • "Tap-dance" {Shift,Ext,} quickly using Sticky Shift, for a kaomoji. Wait before for another.
    • Holding Ctrl then tapping Ext sends Win+Period, opening the Emoji picker.
    • AltGr+Ext-tap holds some commands to avoid hand contortion. Example: {AltGr+Ext,T} for Task Manager.

Layout variant tutorial

You can make your own version of, say, a locale layout with a certain (non-)ergonomic variant:

  • Determine which keyboard type (ISO/ANS), ergo mod and if applicable, existing locale you want to start from.
  • Determine whether you want to just move keys around by VirtualKey mappings or map all their shift states like Colemak-eD does.
  • Copy/Paste a promising layout folder and rename the result to what you want.
    • In this example we'll make a German (De) Colemak[eD] with only the ISO-Angle mod instead of the provided CurlAngleWide.
    • Thus, copy Cmk-eD-De_ISO_CurlAWide in the Colemak-eD folder and rename the copy to Cmk-eD-De_ISO_Angle.
    • Instead of 'De' you could choose any locale tag you like such as 'MeinDe' to set it apart.
  • In that folder's layout.ini file, edit the remap fields to represent the new settings.
    • Here, change mapSC_layout = CmkCAW_ISO to mapSC_layout = Angle_ISO.
    • Some Extend layers like the main one use "hard" or positional remaps, which observe most ergo mods but not letter placements.
    • Here, mapSC_extend = Angle_ISO too since Angle is a "hard" ergo mod. If using Curl-DH, you can move Ctrl+V by adding 'V-B,' in front.
  • Change any key mappings you want to tweak.
    • The keys are mapped by their native Scan Codes (SC), so, e.g., SC02C is the QWERTY/Colemak Z key even if it's moved around later.
    • See the next section to learn more about key mapping syntax.
    • The mappings in the De layout are okay as they are, but let's say we want to swap V and Ö (OEM_102) for the sake of example.
    • In the [layout] section of layout.ini are the keys that are changed from the BaseLayout. OEM_102 is there, state 0/1 mapped to ö/Ö.
    • To find the V key, see the baseLayout = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ISO line and open that file. There's the V key, SC02f.
    • Now, copy the V and OEM_102 keys to your layout.ini [layout] section so they'll override the baseLayout, and swap their SC### codes.
    • Alternatively, you could just edit the mappings for the affected shift states of the two keys. Use any white space between entries.
  • Now, if your EPKL_Layouts .ini Type/Locale/Kbd/Curl/Ergo/Other settings are right you should get the variant you wanted.
    • Here, set LayType/KbdType/LocalID/CurlMod/ErgoMod/OthrMod to eD/De/ISO/--/Angle/-- respectively (or use 'MeinDe' if you went with that).
    • If you prefer to use another existing layout line in the file, comment out the layout = line with ; and activate another.
    • You can also write the layout = LayoutFolder:DisplayedName entry directly instead, using the folder path starting from Layouts\.
  • After making layout changes, refresh EPKL with the Ctrl+Shift+5 hotkey. If that doesn't work, quit and restart EPKL.
  • To get relevant help images without generating them with Inkscape:
    • Check around in the eD layout folders. Maybe there's something that works for you there despite a few minor differences?
    • Here, you might either keep the current De_ISO_CurlAWide settings to see the German special signs without making new images, or...
    • ...edit the image settings, replacing AWide/CAWide/CAngle with 'Angle' to get normal ISO_Angle images without German letters, or...
    • ...make new help images in an image editor by copying and combining from the ones you need. I use Gimp for such tasks.
  • If you do want to generate a set of help images from your layout you must get Inkscape and run the EPKL Help Image Generator (HIG).
    • To see the "Create help images..." menu option, advancedMode must be on in EPKL_Settings.
    • The HIG will make images for the currently active layout.
    • You can download Inkscape for instance from PortableApps.com, and point to it in the ImgGen_Settings file.
    • By default, the HIG looks for Inkscape in C:\PortableApps\InkscapePortable\InkscapePortable.exe, so you could just put it there.
    • I recommend making state images only at first, since a full set of about 80 dead key images takes a long time!


These are some of the changes in [EPKL] (PKL[eD] up to v1):

  • v0.4.0: Transition to AHK v1.1
    • A Refresh menu option with a hotkey (default Ctrl+Shift+5) in case the program hangs up in some way (stuck modifiers etc).
    • Advanced Mode setting that shows 'AHK key history' and other menu options, plus more info in the About... dialog.
    • Sensible dead key names for images and entries (e.g., @14 -> tilde) in a central file that layouts can point to.
    • A PKL_Tables.ini file for info tables that were formerly internal. This way, the user can make additions as necessary.
  • v0.4.1: Transition to AHK v1.1 Unicode, using native Unicode Send and UTF-8 compatible files.
    • A base layout file can be specified, allowing layout.ini to only contain entries that should override the base layout.
  • v0.4.2: Help image opacity, scaling, background color and gutter size settings. Help images can be pushed horizontally too.
    • Separate help image background/overlay, so keys/fingering, letters/glyphs and Shift/AltGr marks can be in different images.
  • v0.4.3: Scan and virtual code modular remapping for layouts and Extend, making ergo and other variants much more accessible.
  • v0.4.4: A Help Image Generator that uses Inkscape (separate download) to generate a set of help images from the current layout.
    • A shorthand notation in EPKL_Layouts.ini to specify KbdType (ISO/ANSI), CurlMod and ErgoMod with the layouts.
  • v0.4.5: Layouts, Extend and dead keys now support the same prefix-entry syntax, parsing "%$*=@&" as first character specially.
    • The "&" prefix denotes literals/powerstrings found in a separate file. These may span more than one line.
  • v0.4.6: The base layout can hold default settings. Layout entries are now any-whitespace delimited.
    • Read most layout settings apart from remaps from the base layout if not found in the main layout.
    • Requiring Tab delimited layout entries was too harsh. Now, any combination of Space/Tab is allowed.
  • v0.4.7: Multi-Extend w/ 4 layers selectable by modifiers+Ext. Extend-tap-release. One-shot Extend layers.
    • Multi-Extend, allowing one Extend key with 2 modifiers (e.g., RAlt/RShift) to select up to 4 different layers. Ext+Mod{2/3/2+3} -> Ext2/3/4.
    • Ext2 is a NumPad/nav layer w/ some useful symbols. Ext3/Ext4 are one-shot string layers but mostly to be filled by the user.
    • Dual-role tap-release Extend key. Works as Back on tap within a certain time and Ext on hold. Set the time to 0 ms to disable it.
    • ExtReturnTo setting to allow one-shot Extend, e.g., for strings. Can for instance return from Ext3 to Ext1.
  • v0.4.8: Sticky/One-shot modifiers. Tap the modifier(s), then within a certain time hit the key to modify.
    • Settings for which keys are OSM and the wait time. Stacking OSMs works (e.g., tap RShift, RCtrl, Left).
    • NOTE: Mapping LCtrl or RAlt as a Modifier causes trouble w/ AltGr. So they shouldn't be used as sticky mods or w/ Extend if using AltGr.
    • Powerstrings can have prefix-entry syntax too now. Lets you, e.g., have long AHK command strings referenced by name tags in layouts.
  • v1.0.0: EPKL full release.
  • v1.1.0: Some layout format changes. Minor fixes/additions. And kaomoji! ♪~└[∵┌]└[・▥・]┘[┐∵]┘~♪
    • A set of 30+ Kaomoji text faces were added to the Strings Extend3 layer, with help images. d( ^◇^)b
    • Extend layers can now be marked as hard/positional or soft/mnemonic. Extend1/2 are mostly hard, the kaomoji layer soft.
    • Direct Extend key mapping, e.g., for CapsLock use 'SC03A = Extend Modifier' instead of the old extend_key setting.
    • BaseLayout files are now at the same tree level as layout folders instead of inside one of them.
  • v1.1.1: Some format changes. Minor fixes/additions. Tap-or-Mod keys (WIP).
    • New: Tap-or-Modifier a.k.a. Dual-Role Modifier keys. Work-in-progress, not working well for rapidly typed keys yet.
      • To make a ToM key, specify its VK layout entry as VK/Mod, where 'Mod' is a modifier name. The rest of the line can be any valid entry.
    • The Extend key can be set the old way as extend_key in [pkl] (but no layout entry is needed anymore!), as 'Ext Mod' or as ToM, e.g., 'VK/EXT VKey'
    • Modifiers can be referred to by the first letters of their name so, e.g., 'LS' and 'LSh' both point to LShift. Also, VK or VKey = VirtualKey.
    • Unicode points can be sent by the ~ prefix; a ~#### entry sends the U+#### character as used in MSKLC file entries.
    • The shiftStates layout entry is now in the [layouts] section of layout.ini, spaced out so entries have more room and are clearer.
    • Since Space/Tab are used to delimit layout entries, there are now special '&Spc' and '&Tab' PowerString entries for them.
    • Dead key abbreviations are now by code point instead of numbered, as in MSKLC. Example: The .klc entry 02c7@ is a caron DK; in EPKL it becomes @2c7.
  • EPKL v1.1.2: Multifunction Tap-or-Mod Extend with dead keys on tap. Janitor inactivity timer.
    • Dead keys on Extend key tap. Examples: Tap {Extend, n} for parentheses with positioning. {Ext, z/Z} Undo/Redo. {Shift, Ext, letter} for kaomoji.
    • Sticky Shift works to select Extend dead keys, and stays active. If you want the shift-P kaomoji tap {Shift, Ext} then P quickly. If not, wait.
    • For InputRaw/Send/AHK/Blind/Unicode/DeadKey/PowerString entry prefixes, both the old %$*=~@& or →§αβ«Ð¶ (AltGr+Shift+ISABUDP) work now.
    • Direct dead key entries in the format <#> = work too. If the char is an uppercase version, append a plus (<#>+).
    • "Janitor" inactivity timeout setting (e.g., 2 s) to release any stuck modifiers. These can happen with advanced usage.
  • EPKL v1.1.3: The LayStack, separating & overriding layout settings. Bugfixes. More kaomoji.
    • The downloadable release asset .zip file now contains all files needed to run EPKL. No Source/Other/Data nor .bat/.git. files.
    • The Kaomoji dead key now holds a related entry for each shifted letter/symbol, e.g., d( ^◇^)b vs (b ̄◇ ̄)b.
    • An EPKL_Layouts_Default .ini file has been split off from EPKL_Settings.ini so the layout definitions have a file of their own.
    • If present, an EPKL_Layouts_Override.ini file will take precedence. In the future, this may be generated by a GUI panel.
    • Several mappings and settings common to most layouts are now in the Layouts_Default file. This includes the Extend modifier mapping.
    • The LayStack [ mainLay, baseLay, LayOver, LayDef ] can be used for most mappings and layout info, including Extend and DeadKey overrides.
    • Added Layout Type (eD or VK) and Other Mod (e.g., Sym) shortcuts to the Layouts.ini file.
    • Added eD/VK Colemak Curl(DHm) only layouts. Used CurlM/DHm here, to support ortho boards. Ortho help images are on the TODO list.
    • Fixed: DeadKey+Spc didn't release the base accent as it should.


I have more EPKL changes on my wishlist, including:

  • A timer that checks whether the underlying Windows layout has changed (affects dead keys) - and fixes any stuck modifiers
  • Generic dual-role keys and/or modifiers. For instance, home row keys might act as modifiers when held and letters when tapped.
  • Chainable dead keys, allowing for instance a Mother-of-DKs key for Compose-like "tap dance" sequences like {MoDK,t,n}->ñ.
  • One or more GUI settings panels instead of editing .ini files.
  • An import module for MSKLC layout files.


~ The original PKL written by Farkas Máté in 2008 using AutoHotkey

~ EPKL, formerly PKL[edition DreymaR] by DreymaR, 2017-

~ Big thanks to the AutoHotkey people, Vortex(vVv), the Colemak Forum crowd and all other contributors.

Finally, to all of you: Best of luck using EPKL! Øystein "DreymaR" Gadmar, 2020