
Node, ES6, Express, React, Grunt

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Starter project for a node server and react-based client. Is structured such that env-agnostic code can be shared and used by both client and the server.

Technologies include:

  • Node
    • Express
    • Mocha tests
  • Client
    • React
    • Alt (flux framework)
  • Misc
    • Grunt for file-watching and test-running
    • shared BaseModel for easy de/serialization of models to/from JSON

Getting started

Initial Setup

brew install node          # if you don't have node
npm install -g grunt-cli   # if you don't have grunt
npm install
bower install

# Test it out
grunt build test


Check out: src/test/unit/test-spec.es6

Run tests with:

grunt test


To see how api routes are implemented, check out: src/servers/frontend/api/v1.es6


Check out: src/client/jsx/app.jsx

Build client app with:

grunt build