
A way to have version control for the alerts that we are configuring for Prometheus

Prometheus Alerts

This Repository will be the version control for the different custom alerts and the configurations files required to make the alerts work.

Custom Alert Requirements

  • To create intelligent alerts that will be triggered when failing thresholds are reached and that will provide complete and pertinent information.
  • It is neccessary to see the origination of the error (foundation, component, job, etc).

Creating Custom Alerts

Custom alerts can be created in an .alerts or .yaml file. To create an Alert you need the declare the following sections:

  1. "expr:"(expression) - The Prometheus query that will be evaluated to decide if an alert should be fired.

  2. "for:"(optional) - That tells Alertmanager how long the expression has to be in an error state before the alert is fired.

  3. "labels:" - That allows additional labels to be attached to the alert. Any existing conflicting labels will be overwritten. (Can be templated).

  4. "annotations:" - These allow longer error messages and possibly even helpful links to be bundled with the alert. (Can be templated).


Label and annotation values can be templated using console templates(go templating language). The $labels variable holds the label key/value pairs of an alert instance and $value holds the evaluated value of an alert instance.

Helpful Links

Alerts Version 1.x vs. 2.x

Alerts in Prometheus Version 1.x uses a JSON like format, since Prometheus 2.x it moved to a YAML format. There is a command line tool that allows you to upgrade from the older rules format to the newer format.

promtool update rules <1.x rules file>

Sample Alert (Version 1.x)

ALERT BOSH_Job_System_Disk_Low
  IF avg(bosh_job_system_disk_percent{bosh_job_name!~"^compilation.*",bosh_deployment!="bosh-health-check"}) by(environment, bosh_name, bosh_deployment, bosh_job_name, bosh_job_index) > 40
  FOR 10m
    service = "bosh-job",
    severity = "warning",
    summary = "BOSH Job `{{$labels.environment}}/{{$labels.bosh_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_deployment}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_index}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_ip}}` is running out of system disk",
    description = "BOSH Job `{{$labels.environment}}/{{$labels.bosh_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_deployment}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_index}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_ip}}` has used more than 75% of its system disk for 10 mins %>: {{$value}}%",

Sample Alert (Version 2.x)

alert: BOSH_System_VM_Down
expr: max(bosh_job_healthy{bosh_deployment!="bosh-health-check",bosh_job_name!~"^compilation.*"})
  BY (environment, bosh_name, bosh_deployment, bosh_job_name, bosh_job_index,
  bosh_job_ip) < 1
for: 10m
  service: bosh-job-vm
  severity: critical
  description: BOSH System VM `{{$labels.environment}}/{{$labels.bosh_deployment}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_index}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_ip}}`
    has been down for more than 10 mins
  summary: BOSH System VM `{{$labels.environment}}/{{$labels.bosh_deployment}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_name}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_index}}/{{$labels.bosh_job_ip}}`
    has been down for more than 10 mins

New Alerts must be added to the prometheus.yml (see below) - prometheus.yml needs the path to the custom alert rule file as well as a job release for any additional new exporters

          - /var/vcap/jobs/bosh_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/cloudfoundry_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/consul_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/haproxy_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/kubernetes_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/mysql_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/p_rabbitmq_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/p_redis_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/postgres_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/probe_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/prometheus_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/rabbitmq_alerts/*.alerts
          - /var/vcap/jobs/redis_alerts/*.alerts
          - <Path To Custom Alert>/<Alertname>.alerts