Kotlin demo

Master branch

General description

The project is split into two gradle modules: core and app. core is a kotlin module without any platform dependencies. It contains an implementation of the main datasource - CharactersRepository, and the abstractions of a platform-dependant services. app module in its turn is supposed to contain the implementations of the services and UI and to bind everything together.

UI pattern

MVVM was chosen as the UI logic pattern. app uses androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel. databinding is used to bind actual data to a UI elements.


That is the main datasource of the application. It uses Room as a persistent storage service and Retrofit as a network API access service. Every data layer (memory cache, persistent storage and network) uses its own data type. Besides that, every layer is abstracted as a data access strategy ranked by an "access cost". Those strategies are organized as the chain where the root of the chain is the fastest source.

Used libraries


  • master branch contains an implementation based on Kotlin coroutines
  • pagination branch contains a set of refactorings, which enable pagination on the network level
  • rxjava in turn uses Reactive Streams