AI Probabilistic Reasoning Exercise

Welcome to the "AI Probabilistic Reasoning Exercise" repository! This repository contains solutions and documentation for an artificial intelligence exercise focusing on probabilistic reasoning and logic.

Table of Contents


This repository is dedicated to solving and documenting a series of problems related to probabilistic reasoning and logical inference in the field of artificial intelligence. The exercise covers topics such as constructing knowledge bases, logical inference, model checking, resolution, and probability calculations.

Course Information

  • Course Name: Artificial Intelligence (CPSC 481)
  • Course Section: 05 (Fall 2023)
  • Instructor: Professor Kenytt Avery
  • University: California State University, Fullerton
  • Semester: Fall 2023

Exercise Details

The exercise is part of a course in artificial intelligence and consists of several problems that require solving and documenting. These problems encompass various aspects of AI, including knowledge representation, logical reasoning, and probabilistic modeling.

Problem Topics

  1. Knowledge Base Construction
  2. Logical Inference
  3. Model Checking
  4. Resolution
  5. Probabilistic Reasoning


Contributions to this repository are not expected since it's primarily intended for educational purposes. However, if you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or fork the repository and create a pull request.


This repository is provided under the MIT License. You are free to use the code and documentation for educational purposes, but please review the license for more details.

For any questions or inquiries, please contact the repository owner.

Happy learning!
