
Cadence Virtuoso Design Management System


Cadence Virtuoso Design Management System

What is cdsDM?

cdsDM is design management system using Git.

Installation and setup

  • Clone this repository

  • Add to your environment
    for the bourne shell
    export CDSDM_PATH="{cloned_dir}/cdsdm"

    add the following line to your .cdsinit
    load( strcat(getShellEnvVar("CDSDM_PATH") "/init.il") )

Initial setup

  • Git init
    create empty shared git repository in your local or github, gitlab, gitolite, gitbucket, etc.
    e.g.) git init --bare --shared {remote_repository_path}/myLib.git

  • Init (execute only by owner)
    configure required files for the cadence library to an empty git repository.
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Setup=>Init...
    enter an empty git repository in the repository field and click OK.
    e.g.) Repository: {remote_repository_path}/myLib.git

  • Clone (execute other members)
    clone library in local directory.
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Clone...
    enter remote repository and click OK.
    e.g.) Repository: {remote_repository_path}/myLib.git Options: --depth 1

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How to use

  • Checkout
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Checkout
    to edit cellviews, you check out library.
    library is read-only until you check it out for editing.

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  • Checkin
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Checkin
    when you check and save all cellviews, you checkin library.
    library returns to read-only.

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  • Cancel Checkout
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Cancel Checkout
    discard editing cellviews and cancel checkout

  • Push
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Push
    push the modified cellviews to the remote repository.

  • Pull
    Library Manager=>cdsDM=>Pull
    pull the updated cellviews from the remote repository.