
this is a unity project about exploring mandelbrot and julia fractals

Primary LanguageShaderLab

this is a project to explore mandelbrot and julia sets

the project contain 3 source code files

the core of the project is the MandelbrotAndJuliaShaders.shader , is a shader that transform the uv coordinates to a complex plan depend on the centre of the complex plane "_ Area" and the covered area of complex plane "_ Zoom" , and depend on the mapped pixels it draw either a mandelbrot or julia fractal depend on "_ Enable" toggle is enabled or not

there is two materials , one (MainMaterial) for the whole screen and another (Secondary) for a bottom right corner for a small screen a material will draw mandelbrot , and the other will draw julia

the seconde file is FractalsManager.cs , is a monobehaviour that manage input it can change the centre of the covered area of complex plane and its zoom via the two materials and also switch the showed fractal in big and small screens this monobehaviour should attached to a camera because its main function is the postprocessing OnRenderImage() method that take the rendered texture and transform it via the MainMaterial to new one that contain the drawn fractal

the third one is UIManager.cs is a script that handle UI via sliders that contain colors changing options and sensability of camera mouvement and also how many iteration that occurs to decide if a complex number bellong to mandelbrot/julia sets or not