
A backend system for SAC bot and app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a backend system for the SAC wellness bots, apps and many other interfaces. This system is built on Nodejs and ExpressJs framework. Please fork, clone and star our project. To setup this project, follow the following steps.

  • git clone https://github.com/Anduhailhack/SAC-backend-system.git
  • npm i
  • touch .env

.env file should container the following enviromental variables

  • PORT a port at which the system runs
  • ADDR an address at which the system binds
  • MONGO_CONN database connection string containing the connection to a collection
  • JWT_SECRET jwt salt for protecting the jwt token, it should be long string with multitude of characters
  • USER_ROLE any number, preferably long integer to uniquely identify the user role
  • ADMIN_ROLE any number, preferably long integer to uniquely identify the admin role
  • SP_ROLE any number, preferably long integer to uniquely identify the service providers role
  • BASE_WEB_API a callback url for notifying the changes in the backend

after setting up the above settings, run the following commands

  • npm run dev only for dev purposes
  • npm start only for production purposes