Primary LanguageC++

$Id: README,v 1.2 2012/05/11 21:00:59 wenzel Exp $

     CaTS: Calorimeter and Tracker Simulation

CaTS is a flexible and extend-able framework (based on geant4 and ROOT) for the simulation of calorimeter
and tracking detectors. To be able to simulate Dual Read out calorimeters it provides special sensitive detectors
and Hit classes that register both the energy deposit and the number of Cerenkov photons produced by charged particles 
above the Cerenkov threshold.
CaTS also allows the detailed study of single Calorimeter cells by enabling the tracing of optical photons, 
providing sensitive detectors that register optical photons and the gdml detector description allows to provide all 
relevant optical properties (refraction Index, Absorption length, Scintillation Yield,
Rayleigh scattering length, Surface properties (e.g. Reflectivity)....)

The components of CaTS are:

Detector Description:      described in gdml input file (e.g. crystalcal.gdml)
(Geometry, Materials,
 optical properties,
 sensitive detector)

Input modules:                

    Particle Gun
    HEPMC (Pythia)

Physics Lists:                  choice of all Reference Physics Lists
                                          optical physics processes (Cerenkov, Rayleigh,
                                          Scintillation etc.) are added (talk to)  
Sensitive Detectors:        (+ corresponding Hit classes)        

    DRCalorimeterSD(Hit) (besides registering energy deposit counts produced Cerenkov photons)
    StoppingCalorimeterSD (registers total energy of entering particle and kills the particle afterwards to avoid further tracking)
    PhotonSD(Hit): sensitive detector that  registers optical photons.

Output of Hits (persistency):      uses Root reflexion (gccxml) to automatically
                                                      create dictionaries for all Hit classes
                                                      to make the Hits persistent
                                                      and stores the result in a ROOT file. 

Analysis Module:                        allows the user to book and store histograms, ntuples etc.

User Actions:                                             simple examples of user actions (EventAction,  RunAction, StackingAction,SteppingAction...) are provided

The source code can be browsed here.

To check out the code do:

export CVSROOT=ilcdetcvs@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/ilcdet
export CVS_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh
cvs co CaTS

For write access set the CVSROOT variable to:
setenv CVSROOT ilcdetcvs@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/ilcdet

setenv CVS_RSH /usr/bin/ssh

export CVSROOT=ilcdetcvs@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/ilcdet

export CVS_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh

Then to check out for example the CaTS module:

cvs co CaTS

For read access set the CVSROOT variable to:
setenv CVSROOT :pserver:anonymous@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/ilcdet

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cdcvs.fnal.gov:/cvs/ilcdet

Then login (ilcdet is the password) 

cvs login

cvs co CaTS

                     GDML detector sensitivity

This example demonstrates the usage of the GDML auxiliary information for
associating a sensitive detector to a volume.

The detector construction consists of a call to GDMLProcessor which parses a
GDML file and returns the pointer to the world volume. The user can also write
her/his own GDML file and use it as the primary input format for her/his Geant4

A simple GDML files is provided:
- xml/crystalcal.gdml, example of a simple PbF2 dual read out calorimeter.

 Building and running the example
    Before buidling and/or running the example you need to set the
  following environment variables:
  cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/home/wenzel/geant4.9.5.p01/cmake/Modules \
        -DGeant4_DIR=/home/wenzel/geant4.9.5.p01-install/lib/Geant4-9.5.1/ \

cmake --verbose -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      		-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/home/wenzel/geant4.9.5.p01/cmake/Modules \
		-DGeant4_DIR=/home/wenzel/geant4.9.5.p01-install/lib/Geant4-9.5.1/ \

  You need to have built the persistency/gdml plugin module by having
  set G4LIB_BUILD_GDML variable in your environment.
  It is also required you specify the path where the XercesC XML parser
  package is installed in your system, through the variable XERCESCROOT.

- Compile and link to generate the executable:
 	      % make

- Execute the application.
 	      % CaTS  gdml/crystalcal.gdml test.mac