This will disassemble mainframe executables that are represented in printable hex.
The DA REXX procedure disassembles the AMBLIST output (or indeed any printable hex) that you are currently editing with ISPF/EDIT.
The DAB REXX procedure does the same thing but does not use ISPF/EDIT, so it can be run in TSO, batch, or even on Linux or Windows.
This can be very handy for mainframe sites that have somehow lost the source code to an important executable. All you need to do is run DA or DAB against the output from an AMBLIST module listing of the executable. It is an iterative process, but at the end of the day you will have an assembler source file that, when assembled, should recreate the executable load module.
To run DA or DAB on z/OS there are no prerequisites
To run DAB on Linux or windows, you will need to install a REXX interpreter such as:
- Regina REXX (
- Open Object REXX (
On Linux, there is usually a REXX package that you can install using your package manager. On Ubuntu you can install it by issuing:
sudo apt install regina-rexx
The interpreter can then be invoked in a command window by issuing, for example:
rexx dab.rex input.hex output.asm
DA is the interactive version of the disassembler and DAB is the batch version.
The interactive version uses ISPF/EDIT and is generally more convenient to use on z/OS. DAB can be run in TSO or batch and, because it does not use ISPF/EDIT, it can also be run on Linux and Windows.
If DA is invoked outside of the ISPF editor then it will generate and edit an AMBLIST job that you can submit to produce a module listing that can be read by the DA macro. For example, the following command will generate JCL to list module IEFBR14:
If DA is invoked in an ISPF edit session with the TEST option, for example:
...then an assembler source file is generated containing one valid assembler statement for each instruction. This can be assembled into a load module, printed with AMBLIST and used to check that DA can disassemble all instructions correctly.
If DA is invoked in an ISPF edit session with the ASM option, for example:
...then JCL to assemble the file being edited is generated.
If DA is invoked in an ISPF edit session with no options, for example:
...then it will disassemble the file being edited and edit the temporary dataset created as a result.
If DA is invoked with hex on the command line then that hex will be disassembled, for example:
DA 58100010 07FE
DAB can be run in batch, for example:
DAB can be run in TSO (but DA is more convenient), for example:
DAB can be run on Linux and Windows once you have downloaded the AMBLIST output, for example:
rexx dab.rex my.amblist.output my.asm
Disassembly is usually an iterative process:
Run DA on the AMBLIST output. This will help to identify which areas are data and which are code.
If you see a comment in the output like
<-- TODO (not code)
it means that the disassembler was in CODE parsing mode but detected an invalid instruction. You should insert a dot (.
) to switch the disassembler into DATA parsing mode at that point, and then insert a comma (,
) to revert to CODE mode at the end of that block of data. -
Mark the beginning of areas known to be code with a comma (
) and those known to be data with a dot (.
).Remember: Comma-for-Code, Dot-for-Data.
Run DA again until no TODO comments are seen.
Optionally, tag the AMBLIST output. There is much more detail on tagging in the USAGE section below.
Tags are strings enclosed in parentheses and can be used as follows:
You can mark data areas as having particular data types.
For example:
(F) 00000010 (H) 00220023 (X) 0102(P)19365C (B)8F
DC F'16' DC H'34' DC H'35' DC XL2'0102' DC PL3'19365' DC B'10001111'
You can assign a label at an offset into the code.
For example:
LR R12,R15 myLabel B 16(,R12)
You can explicitly assign a label to a code offset:
For example:
LR R12,R15 myLabel B 16(,R12) myData DC XL2'1234'
You can specify and/or drop a base register for the subsequent code.
For example:
Generates:USING *,R12 LR R12,R15 L2 B L2 DROP R12
You can specify a base register for a named DSECT.
This is very powerful because it causes a DSECT to be built containing fields for each displacement off that base register that is referenced by the code. The name of each field is derived from the displacement. For example:
(R13=>WA)5810D010 5010D044 (R13=)
means "R13 points to a DSECT called WA" and(R13=)
means "Drop R13", generates:USING WA,R13 L R1,WA_10 ST R1,WA_44 DROP R13 WA DSECT DS XL16 WA_10 DS XL4 DS XL48 WA_44 DS XL4
You can do some other useful things as described in the TAGS section below.
Assemble the disassembled source file.
You may see some assembly error messages like:
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - L12C
...which is easily resolved by going back to the AMBLIST output and inserting a "." (for data) at offset +12C. That will create the missing label (L12C) at that offset.
Rerun DA and reassemble the output until all assembly errors are resolved.
Some samples of input and output files can be found in the /samples folder of this repository.
A sample input file (with DA markup highlighted) is:
A7F4000E . C7C5E3C3 D4C44040 F2F0F2F0 61F1F061 F2F140F1 F67AF5F5 , 90ECD00C 18CF (R12=0) 1841 (R4=>PLIST 'Parameter List') 47F0C030 (F) 0000004C 00000012 , 5800C028 58F0C02C 58E00010 58EE0304 58EE00A0 B218E000 12FFA774 006C50D0 10045010 D00818D1 (R13=>WA 'Work Area') 1244A784 005D9180 4008A7E4 00594180 D0484110 C1305081 00009201 10089200 10090A28 5880D048 58708000 58104008 50701000 58704000 92007000 58704004 D7FF7000 70005870 80041277 A784002F 58904000 95447004 A7740006 92C69000 A7F40012 95407004 A7740006 92D79000 A7F4000A 95047004 A7740015 92E29000 A7F40002 4850700E 06501255 A744000B 58904004 D2009000 70104450 C0ECA7F4 00021117 41008004 0A224110 00051111 41008004 11000A22 A7F40006 41F0000C A7F40003 1FFF58D0 D00458E0 D00C980C D01407FE (''). 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
The meaning of the inserted markup is:
Markup | Meaning |
. | Decodes the following hex as data. The data type is automatic (i.e. it is guessed based on the alignment and the content) |
, | Decodes the following hex as code |
(R12=0) | Declares that R12 points to offset 0 (emits a USING statement for R12) |
(R4=>PLIST 'Parameter List') | Declares that R4 points to a DSECT called PLIST, and emits a section heading 'Parameter List' before the DSECT definition. Subsequent storage references based on R4 will be added to the DSECT. |
(F) | Decodes the following hex as data (the type is explicitly declared as fullword) |
(R13=>WA 'Work Area') | Declares that R13 points to a DSECT called WA, and emits a section heading 'Work Area' before the DSECT definition. Subsequent storage references based on R13 will be added to the DSECT. |
(''). | Emits an empty comment and decodes the following hex as data. The data type remains as fullwords unless you reset it with '/' |
The result of disassembling this input is:
*Label Op Operands Comment Location Hex Format
* *
* *
ORG @+X'00000000'
GETCMD J L1C 00000000 A7F4000E RIc
DC CL24'GETCMD 2020/10/21 16:55' 00000004
L1C STM R14,R12,12(R13) Store Multiple (32) 0000001C 90ECD00C RSA 60 (,F)
LR R12,R15 Load (32) 00000020 18CF RR
* ----------------
LR R4,R1 Load (32) 00000022 1841 RR
* --------------
B L30 00000024 47F0C030 RXb
L28 DC F'76' 00000028 0000004C
L2C DC F'18' 0000002C 00000012
L30 L R0,L28 Load (32) 00000030 5800C028 RXa 4 (,F)
L R15,L2C Load (32) 00000034 58F0C02C RXa 4 (,F)
L R14,16 Load (32) -> CVT 00000038 58E00010 RXa 4 (,F)
L R14,X'304'(R14) Load (32) 0000003C 58EE0304 RXa 4 (,F)
L R14,X'0A0'(R14) Load (32) 00000040 58EE00A0 RXa 4 (,F)
PC 0(R14) Program Call 00000044 B218E000 S
LTR R15,R15 Load and Test (32) 00000048 12FF RR
JNZ L122 Branch if Not Zero 0000004A A774006C RIc
ST R13,4(,R1) Store (32) 0000004E 50D01004 RXa 4 (,F)
ST R1,8(,R13) Store (32) 00000052 5010D008 RXa 4 (,F)
LR R13,R1 Load (32) 00000056 18D1 RR
* ------------
LTR R4,R4 Load and Test (32) 00000058 1244 RR
JZ L114 Branch if Zero 0000005A A784005D RIc
TM PLIST_8,B'10000000' Test under Mask (8) 0000005E 91804008 SI0
JNO L114 Branch if Not Ones 00000062 A7E40059 RIc
LA R8,WA_48 Load Address 00000066 4180D048 RXa
LA R1,L130 Load Address 0000006A 4110C130 RXa
ST R8,0(R1) Store (32) 0000006E 50810000 RXa 4 (,F)
MVI 8(R1),1 Move Immediate (8) 00000072 92011008 SI 1
MVI 9(R1),0 Move Immediate (8) 00000076 92001009 SI 1
SVC 40 EXTRACT 0000007A 0A28 I
L R8,WA_48 Load (32) 0000007C 5880D048 RXa 4 (,F)
L R7,0(,R8) Load (32) 00000080 58708000 RXa 4 (,F)
L R1,PLIST_8 Load (32) 00000084 58104008 RXa 4 (,F)
ST R7,0(,R1) Store (32) 00000088 50701000 RXa 4 (,F)
L R7,PLIST_0 Load (32) 0000008C 58704000 RXa 4 (,F)
MVI 0(R7),0 Move Immediate (8) 00000090 92007000 SI 1
L R7,PLIST_4 Load (32) 00000094 58704004 RXa 4 (,F)
XC 0(256,R7),0(R7) Exclusive-Or Character 00000098 D7FF70007000 SSa 256 (,X)
L R7,4(,R8) Load (32) 0000009E 58708004 RXa 4 (,F)
LTR R7,R7 Load and Test (32) 000000A2 1277 RR
JZ L102 Branch if Zero 000000A4 A784002F RIc
L R9,PLIST_0 Load (32) 000000A8 58904000 RXa 4 (,F)
CLI 4(R7),X'44' Compare Logical Immediate (8) 000000AC 95447004 SI 1
JNE LBC Branch if Not Equal 000000B0 A7740006 RIc
MVI 0(R9),C'F' Move Immediate (8) 000000B4 92C69000 SI 1
J LDC 000000B8 A7F40012 RIc
LBC CLI 4(R7),C' ' Compare Logical Immediate (8) 000000BC 95407004 SI 1
JNE LCC Branch if Not Equal 000000C0 A7740006 RIc
MVI 0(R9),C'P' Move Immediate (8) 000000C4 92D79000 SI 1
J LDC 000000C8 A7F4000A RIc
LCC CLI 4(R7),4 Compare Logical Immediate (8) 000000CC 95047004 SI 1
JNE LFA Branch if Not Equal 000000D0 A7740015 RIc
MVI 0(R9),C'S' Move Immediate (8) 000000D4 92E29000 SI 1
J LDC 000000D8 A7F40002 RIc
LDC LH R5,14(,R7) Load Halfword (32<-16) 000000DC 4850700E RXa 2 (,H)
BCTR R5,R0 Branch on Count 000000E0 0650 RR
LTR R5,R5 Load and Test (32) 000000E2 1255 RR
JM LFA Branch if Minus 000000E4 A744000B RIc
L R9,PLIST_4 Load (32) 000000E8 58904004 RXa 4 (,F)
LEC MVC 0(1,R9),16(R7) Move Character 000000EC D20090007010 SSa 1
EX R5,LEC Execute MVC 0(1,R9),16(R7) 000000F2 4450C0EC RXa
J LFA 000000F6 A7F40002 RIc
LFA LNR R1,R7 Load Negative (32) 000000FA 1117 RR
LA R0,4(,R8) Load Address 000000FC 41008004 RXa
SVC 34 MGCR/MGCRE/QEDIT 00000100 0A22 I
L102 LA R1,5 Load Address 00000102 41100005 RXa
LNR R1,R1 Load Negative (32) 00000106 1111 RR
LA R0,4(,R8) Load Address 00000108 41008004 RXa
LNR R0,R0 Load Negative (32) 0000010C 1100 RR
J L11C 00000110 A7F40006 RIc
L114 LA R15,12 Load Address 00000114 41F0000C RXa
J L11E 00000118 A7F40003 RIc
L11C SLR R15,R15 Subtract Logical (32) 0000011C 1FFF RR
L11E L R13,WA_4 Load (32) 0000011E 58D0D004 RXa 4 (,F)
L122 L R14,WA_C Load (32) 00000122 58E0D00C RXa 4 (,F)
LM R0,R12,WA_14 Load Multiple (32) 00000126 980CD014 RSA 52 (,F)
BR R14 0000012A 07FE RRm
DC F'0' X'00000000' 0000012C 00000000
L130 DC XL12'000000000000000000000000' 00000130
* *
* R E G I S T E R S *
* *
* General purpose register equates
R0 EQU 0
R1 EQU 1
R2 EQU 2
R3 EQU 3
R4 EQU 4
R5 EQU 5
R6 EQU 6
R7 EQU 7
R8 EQU 8
R9 EQU 9
R10 EQU 10
R11 EQU 11
R12 EQU 12
R13 EQU 13
R14 EQU 14
R15 EQU 15
* *
* D S E C T S *
* *
* Parameter List
* Work Area
WA_14 DS 13F
WA_48 DS F
On z/OS you can use the DA edit macro (which needs ISPF/EDIT). The syntax is:
DA [dsn | hex] [(options...]
When DA is invoked from TSO it creates an AMBLIST job to print the specified load module:
TSO DA [dsn]
- Identifies the load module to be printed using AMBLIST. The dataset name must be fully qualified, without quotation marks, and include the module name in parentheses. The default dsn is SYS1.LPALIB(IEFBR14).For example:
When DA is invoked in on the ISPF/EDIT command line it disassembles AMBLIST output currently being edited:
DA [hex] [(options...]
- Optional hex to be disassembled directly from the command line. -
are specified after a single left parenthesis:Option Meaning STAT
Collect instruction format and mnemonic usage statistics and append them as comments to the generated source file. TEST
Generate a source file containing one instance of every instruction. When assembled into a module, the result can be used to test the disassembler. ASM
Generate JCL to assemble the file being edited. 360
Disassemble using the System/360 instruction set. 370
Disassemble using the System/370 instruction set. 390
Disassemble using the System/390 instruction set. Z
Disassemble using the z/Architecture instruction set (this is the default).
On z/OS (TSO or batch), Linux or Windows you can use the DAB exec. The syntax is:
DAB [{filein | DD:ddname | hex} [[fileout | DD:ddname | -]] [--options...]
- Identifies the input file to be disassembled. For z/OS it must be a fully qualified dataset name. For example,
. -
- Identifies an input or output file by DD name (z/OS only). For example,DAB DD:IN DD:OUT
. -
- Hex to be disassembled directly from the command line. For example,DAB 90ECD00C07FE
. -
- Identifies the disassembled output file to be created. The default is the path and file name of the input file with a.asm
extension appended. If-
is specified then the output is written to the console. -
are specified after a double-dash:Option Meaning STAT
Generate instruction format and mnemonic usage statistics and append them as comments to the generated source file. TEST
Generate a source file called test.asm
containing one instance of every instruction. When assembled into a module, the result can be used to test the disassembler.ASM
Wrap the disassembled output in JCL to assemble the source AMBLIST
Generate JCL in fileout
to print the module identified byfilein
Disassemble using the System/360 instruction set. 370
Disassemble using the System/370 instruction set. 390
Disassemble using the System/390 instruction set. Z
Disassemble using the z/Architecture instruction set (this is the default).
Note that when an instruction refers to a storage location that does not currently have a label assigned to it we have an unresolved storage reference. Any unresolved storage references will be written to a file called [filein].tags
so that they will be automatically resolved the next time you run DAB. These tags files can be deleted at any time because they will be recreated when needed.
- As new instructions are added to the z/Series instruction set, it will be necessary to define them in the comments of the DA and DAB REXX procedures marked by BEGIN-xxx and END-xxx comments. Otherwise the new instructions will be treated as data.
To disassemble a load module:
Run TSO DA to generate and edit an AMBLIST job. For example:
Submit the AMBLIST job to print a dump of the selected module
Edit the SYSPRINT output (for example, issue SE in SDSF)
Optionally, exclude areas that you do not want disassembled. That may help speed up disassembly of large modules.
Optionally, mark blocks of hex using action markers.
Action markers are single characters that mark blocks of hex as being either CODE or DATA.
The following action markers can be inserted:
Action Meaning ,
Scan following hex as CODE.
Remember: Comma=Code.
Scan following hex as DATA.
Remember: Dot=Data/
Clear all tags and scan the following hex as DATA. This is equivalent to specifying a null tag ()
but saves a keystroke -
Optionally, tag the hex more rigorously using tags (see the TAGS section below).
Tags are a way to further clarify how CODE or DATA blocks should be interpreted. Zero or more tags can be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas as follows:
For example:
...means label the following hex MYCSECT and assume that R12 points to it at runtime.(R12=,F) 00000001
...means that R12 no longer points to anything and that the following hex should be interpreted as fullword constants. -
Issue DA to disassemble the AMBLIST output being edited.
Spaces in the hex input are not significant - with one exception explained next.
The DA edit macro will disassemble AMBLIST output that has the following format:
Everything after 3 consecutive spaces is ignored (to work around a bug in versions of AMBLIST prior to z/OS v2.3) -----------. | V 00000000 xxxxxxxx ... xxxxxxxx *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* |offset| |------hex data-----| |---ignored----->
See APAR OA58170 for more information about the AMBLIST bug.
If AMBLIST output is not detected, then the input is considered to be free form printable hex with no offset. For example:
18CF 5820C008 07FE 0000000A
The first 80 columns of the disassembly are valid assembler statements and can be pasted into an FB80 file to be processed by the HLASM assembler. That is, you can paste all the disassembled lines and ignore the truncation warning.
The remaining columns of the disassembly contain the following information that is useful during disassembly:
- the location counter,
- the instruction in hex,
- the instruction format and
- the target operand length if any.
Examine the "Undefined labels" report at the end of the disassembly to help you identify where to insert CODE and DATA action markers. Labels will be created at each location referenced by a machine instruction or address constant.
Press F3 to quit editing the disassembly and return to the AMBLIST output - where you can adjust the tags as described above and try again.
to generate JCL to assemble the file being edited. Submit this job to verify that the disassembled code assembles cleanly.
Zero or more of the following tags can be specified (inside parentheses and separated by commas) immediately before the hex to which they apply:
Inserts a block comment into the generated source file with the format:
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * comment *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
A good use for this is to mark the end of subroutines by making a global change to the hex input data as follows:
...which will cause an empty comment to be inserted after every
BR R14
instruction. You may wish to apply this change toPR
instructions too. -
Inserts a section comment into the generated source file with the format:
************************************************************************ * * * comment * * * ************************************************************************
A good use for this is to mark the start of subroutines by making a global change to the hex input data as follows:
...which will cause an empty section heading to be inserted before each
STM R14,R12,xxxx
instruction. -
Converts subsequent hex to data type t, where t can be one of the following:
t Type Length Generates (for example) A
Address 4 AL4(L304)
Address (Long) 8 AD(L304)
Binary n B'10110011'
Character n CL9'Some text'
Character (ASCII) n CAL15'Some ASCII text'
Long Hex Float 8 D'+3.141592653589793'
Long Hex Float 8 DH'+3.141592653589793'
Long Bin Float 8 DB'+3.141592653589793'
Long Dec Float 8 DD'+3.141592653589793'
Short Hex Float 4 E'+3.1415926'
Short Hex Float 4 EH'+3.1415926'
Short Bin Float 4 EB'+3.1415926'
Short Dec Float 4 ED'+3.1415926'
Doubleword Binary 8 FD'304'
Fullword Binary 4 F'304'
Halfword Binary 2 H'304'
Packed Decimal n PL2'304'
Storage Reference 2 S(X'020'(R12))
Hex n XL2'0304'
Parses the subsequent hex as formatted rows of table data. Each row can be either fixed length or variable length data. The end of the table data is indicated either by a
action marker, or an empty tag list()
, or an empty formatspec tag(%)
. Each row of table data is parsed according to the formatspec. The formatspec consists of one or more space delimited assembler storage type declarations each having one of the following formats:Format specification Example Meaning [duplication_factor][type][length_modifier] 4XL3
Four groups of 3 bytes of hex [type][length_modifier]=variable_name AL1=len
Assign the next byte (in decimal) to REXX variable $len
[type]L[length_expression] CL$len+1
Character string of length $len+1
bytesThe default duplication_factor (the repetition count for the field) is 1.
The default type is X (hexadecimal).
The default length_modifier depends on the type (t) as follows:
t Type Length A
Address 4 AD
Address (long) 8 B
Binary 1 C
Character 1 CA
Character (ASCII) 1 D
Long Hex Float 8 DH
Long Hex Float 8 DB
Long Bin Float 8 DD
Long Dec Float 8 E
Short Hex Float 4 EH
Short Hex Float 4 EB
Short Bin Float 4 ED
Short Dec Float 4 FD
Doubleword Binary 8 F
Fullword Binary 4 H
Halfword Binary 2 P
Packed Decimal 1 S
Storage Reference 2 X
Hex 1 If you specify an unsupported data type then the default format (
) is used. If you specify just a number then that number is treated as the length of a typeX
field. As a happy side effect, specifying3 3 3 3
or even just4x3
(which you could read as "four by three bytes"), is equivalent toXL3 XL3 XL3 XL3
respectively.For example1 (spaces have been inserted for clarity):
(%CL3 X PL4). C1C3E3 02 0426709C D5E2E6 01 8089526C D5E340 02 0245869C D8D3C4 01 5095100C E2C140 01 1751693C E3C1E2 01 0534281C E5C9C3 01 6594804C E6C140 01 2621680C /
...will be disassembled as:
L0 DC CL3'ACT' DC XL1'02' DC PL4'426709' DC CL3'NSW' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'8089526' DC CL3'NT' DC XL1'02' DC PL4'245869' DC CL3'QLD' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'5095100' DC CL3'SA' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'1751693' DC CL3'TAS' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'534281' DC CL3'VIC' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'6594804' DC CL3'WA' DC XL1'01' DC PL4'2621680'
1Australian state and territory population data (June 2019)
You can parse variable length data by using the
is specified, a REXX variable is created called$variable_name
containing the contents of the associated field converted to decimal. -
is specified, the expression can be any simple REXX expression that results in a positive whole number. The expression must not contain parentheses. You should only use variable names that you created (using=variable_name
) prefixed with a$
sign, else the result will be unpredictable.
For example, the following table entries contain string length fields which are one less than the actual length of each string (spaces have again been inserted for clarity):
(%AL1=len CL$len+1). 1B C1E4E2E3 D9C1D3C9 C1D540C3 C1D7C9E3 C1D340E3 C5D9D9C9 E3D6D9E8 0E D5C5E640 E2D6E4E3 C840E6C1 D3C5E2 11 D5D6D9E3 C8C5D9D5 40E3C5D9 D9C9E3D6 D9E8 09 D8E4C5C5 D5E2D3C1 D5C4 0E E2D6E4E3 C840C1E4 E2E3D9C1 D3C9C1 07 E3C1E2D4 C1D5C9C1 07 E5C9C3E3 D6D9C9C1 10 E6C5E2E3 C5D9D540 C1E4E2E3 D9C1D3C9 C1 /
...will take the first byte of each table entry as a 1-byte address constant and assign its value to a REXX variable called $len, then it will take the next $len+1 bytes as a character string. It will be disassembled (until the format specifier is reset on encountering the
Note: if you specify invalid variable names or expressions then expect pain.
Resets the data type tag so that automatic data type detection is enabled. You can instead use the "
" action marker to do this. Automatic data type detection splits the data into either printable text or binary.Binary data will be formatted:
- as fullwords (
) if the data is aligned on a fullword boundary and the data length is 4, - as halfwords (
) if the data is aligned on a halfword boundary and the data length is 2, - as decimal bytes (
) if the data length is 1, - or else as variable length hexadecimal (
Printable EBCDIC text will be formatted:
- as EBCDIC character constants (
- as fullwords (
Specifies that the current location counter is to be set to the hex address specified by xxx. By default the initial location counter is 0 and is assigned the label
.The equivalent assembler directive is:
ORG @+X'xxx'
Specifies that register n (where n = 0 to 15) points to the immediately following code or data.
The equivalent assembler directive is:
For example:
Register 12 points to offset 0 | Code Data | | | V V V (R12)18CF 5820C008 07FE . 0000000A code.............. data....
The above would be disassembled as:
USING *,R12 L0 LR R12,R15 L R2,L8 BR R14 L8 DC F'10'
Specifies that register n points to the immediately following code or data, and that register m points 4096 bytes past register n (for as many registers as you specify). Each additional register extends the coverage by a further 4096 bytes.
The equivalent assembler directive is:
Similar to the
tag described above except that register n points to the location currently declared for register y instead of the location immediately after the tag.The equivalent assembler directives are:
For example, when R15 is the base register on entry but later R12 and R10 are to be used as base registers:
(MYCSECT,R15)47F0F00C .C8C940E3 C8C5D9C5 ,18CF 18AF A7AA1000(R12+R10=R15) 5820C014 07FE . 0000000A
The above would be disassembled as:
USING MYCSECT,R15 * ----------------- MYCSECT B LC L4 DC CL8'HI THERE' LC LR R12,R15 LR R10,R15 AHI R10,4096 DROP R15 * ---------- USING MYCSECT,R12,R10 * ---------------------- LE L R2,L14 BR R14 L14 DC F'10'
Specifies that register n (where n = 0 to 15) points to (
) a dummy section (DSECT) called name, and optionally sets a short description desc to document the DSECT. A DSECT is then built to cover subsequent address references for that base register until a(Rn=)
tag is encountered which DROPs that register.All DSECTs so generated will be appended to the end of the disassembled source.
The equivalent assembler directive is:
USING name,Rn
For example:
18D1 (R13=>WA 'Work Area') 4110D004 4120D010 5020D008
The above would be disassembled as:
LR R13,R1 USING WA,R13 * ------------ LA R1,WA_4 LA R2,WA_10 ST R2,WA_8 ************************************************************************ * * * Work Area * * * ************************************************************************ WA DSECT DS XL4 WA_4 DS 0X DS XL4 WA_8 DS XL4 DS XL4 WA_10 DS 0X
Specifies that register n (where n = 0 to 15) points to location xxx in hexadecimal.
The equivalent assembler directive is:
USING @+xxx,Rn
is a special label assigned to offset 0. -
Specifies that register n (where n = 0 to 15) points to location identified by label label. The equivalent assembler directive is:
USING label,Rn
Resets a base register tag. Any displacements off that register will now be generated explicitly (for example,
) instead of an offset from a generated label (for example,L1B0+12
).The equivalent assembler directive is:
Assigns an assembler label to the following code or data. You may use it to name a CSECT for example. The label cannot be register names
, or any of the types described in the(t)
tag as those have special meanings.For example:
Dot for Data Comma for Code | Data label | Code label | | | | V V V V 07FE.(nSize)0000000A,(getCVT)58200010 code data.... code....
The above would be disassembled as:
BR R14 nSize DC X'0000000A' getCVT L R2,16
Assigns the assembler label label to the location xxx in hexadecimal. Use this if you know in advance the offset of particular CSECTs. For example,
Any address constants encountered will then use the specified name instead of a literal. For example,
DC A(448)
...will be generated as:
DC A(CSECTA) X'000001C0'
Some labels will be automatically created by examining the External Symbol Dictionary of the AMBLIST output.
Assigns an automatically named assembler label to location xxx in hexadecimal. Each label so generated has the format L (for label or location) followed by the location xxx in hex (for example, L1C0).
Use this if you know in advance which locations are referenced by machine instructions so that the location can be represented by a label instead of a displacement off a register.
DA will automatically insert one of these tags into the hex input (AMBLIST output) for each location referenced by a machine instruction that does not already have a label defined for it.
DAB will write them to a separate file called [filein].tags.
The inserted tags will be taken into account the next time DA or DAB is run. This is equivalent to manually inserting '.' action characters to create labels that are referenced by machine instructions.
You can delete or edit these tags at any time.
Performs the same function as the
tag above but also assigns data type t to location xxx.