
Bootstrap VM for CPPCMS

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Build Status


Bootstrap VM for CPPCMS

/!\ Project for developers - never use this project to make production server!

Install vagrant

Go to https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html and download / install vagrant for your system.

Install Virtualbox

Vagrant works with a vm manager, by default you can work with virtualbox.

Go to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and download / install vagrant for your system.

Deploy your server

Clone this repository :

$> git clone https://github.com/42antoine/vagrant-cppcms.git
$> cd vagrant-cppcms
$> vagrant up
$> vagrant ssh
$> cd www
$> ./hello -c config.js


Your server is now running on !


- username : root
- password : vagrant


On the vagrant vm, a web server is installed. You can access it via An "Hello World" cppcms website is available - note that you have to run it to show something!

$> vagrant ssh
$> cd www
$> ./hello -c config.js

You can also use phpmyadmin at this address

All website content is available from you computer in : vagrant-cppcms/www *(1)


We use Apache2 mod_scgi to pipe CPPCMS website to Apache2 output (port 80 on vagrant). All CPPCMS website have to use the "scgi" API and the port 8080 inside config.js file.

    "service" : {
        "api" : "scgi",
        "ip" : "",
        "port" : 8080
    "http" : {
        "script_names" : [ "/hello" ]

VM file sharing

*(1) : On project root directory, you can see "www" directory. This folder is shared from VM, use it to share cppcms source/website with the VM.


At provisionning, the vagrant vm install CPPCMS (1.0.5) and CPPDB (0.3.1). All libraries are stored at this path : /usr

See also

http://cppcms.com http://cppcms.com/wikipp/en/page/cppcms_1x_tut_hello