
Primary LanguagePython


A Flask App for exploring the APIs.

Requires Python 2.7, Flask, Requests, virtual environment


Install relies on pip and virtualenv

  1. easy_install pip (if not installed)
  2. pip install virtualenv
  3. cd <location of local API-CLIENT github repo>
  4. virtualenv venv
  5. activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate (osx/*nix) -OR- venv\scripts\activate (windows)
  6. pip install -r requirements.txt (this installs all the dependencies)
  7. deactivate

Basic Instructions

  1. Open a command line with administrative permissions and enter the following commands:

cd <location of local API-CLIENT github repo>

source venv/bin/activate (osx/*nix) -OR- venv\scripts\activate (windows)

gunicorn run-api:app (gunicorn used in lieu of dev server for multi-thread capability)

  1. Open browser http://localhost:8000/get_dat_json
  2. Enter URI: http://my.api.v01/resource
  3. Enter Params: {"ids":"771,496"}
  4. Play with your data
  5. deactivate (when finished)